Evaluation of the Saskatchewan Government Growth Plan
An effective strategic plan must contain several key elements:
1. Vision statement: a statement of general direction for the organization that provides a clear path for the future.
2. Mission statement: a definition of the organization’s core goals and values and its primary function.
3. Values: fundamental beliefs and operating principles for the organization as a guideline for acceptable and expected organizational behaviour.
4. Goals: broad based definition of the expected outcomes for the organization.
5. Objectives: realistic, specific, measurable and time-bound outcomes that are related to the stated overall goals of the organization.
6. Tasks or activities: specific actions or measures intended to achieve the organization’s stated objectives/goals.
7. Implementation plan or operational plan: a detailed outline of the timing for any new initiatives required to undertake the tasks or activities to ensure the plan is feasible, complete and comprehensive and that individual members of the organization and its client groups understand their roles in the plan and the expectations on them.
Using these elements, evaluate the Chapter on Growing and developing Saskatchewan’s Labour Force (pp. 37-40 of Government of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond, 2012, as a strategic plan.
The Saskatchewan Plan for Growth: Vision 2020 and Beyond can be found here: http://gov.sk.ca/adx/aspx/adxGetMedia.aspx?DocID=4208,3975,594,1,Documents&MediaID=da3f2b1a-dade-4e4e-8308-5d1534bc4729&Filename=Saskatchewan+Plan+for+Growth+-+Full+Version.pdf
Essay Criteria
The written exercise component of the student internship application package is intended to assess students’ written communication skills. Essays should be formatted as follows:
• 900 words or less (text above the maximum word count will not be evaluated)
• 1.5 spaced
• Be submitted as a word document
Include a title and references as required (title and references not included in word count)