Synthesis Essay Prompt:
May 25, 2020
Schemes v Takeovers debate
May 25, 2020



Paper instructions:

The writer who takes this work will have to know (Owen 2006) and do an action research on this assessment.

There are 2 parts to this paper,  Assessment 1 = Part A and Part B, which will need to be submitted on the 20th September..

I have to resubmit this paper€¦. and I want at least a Distinction€¦.

Assessment (1)

Evaluation: Improvement and Accountability

Part A: Description of a Program
The task for this part of the assignment is to write a comprehensive
description of the program, project or activity (the unit of evaluative
analysis’ or evaluand’ (Owen, 2006) which is to be the object of the
evaluation you will be planning in this Unit. The description will include:
€¢ The rationale for the program;
€¢ Its purposes and intentions;
€¢ The state of the program €“ planning, implementation or completed;
€¢ Characteristic activities;
€¢ Resources and materials;
€¢ Methods of assessment (if relevant); and
€¢ Dilemmas and issues that have emerged during its realisation.

Part B: Justification of an Approach to Evaluation
The task here is to review three (3) approaches to evaluation representing
at least two (2) forms (Owen, 2006, Chapter 3), and then to advance an
argument for adopting one approach for evaluating the evaluand’ described
in Part A. Your argument should address such considerations as why this
particular approach is best suited to the evaluand’ and its consistency with
conceptions of learning organisations as empowering workplaces for all
    participating personnel.