Evaluates the current state of knowledge -Terence

March 29, 2020
Freight Rail Systems
March 29, 2020

Evaluates the current state of knowledge -Terence

Project description

Select a field of professional endeavor in the social sciences with which you are familiar. You may select a field—for

example, marketing, finance, operations, information systems, or human resources. (I pick Health care reforms).
Paper must be 100% plagiarism free, write with your own words.

This paper must have a strong introduction with a thesis statement, abstract, body, and a conclusion. Must be 100% plagiarism

free (must be written in your own words). I will upload the Plagiarism report to you, must be at 0%

Please use (12) references from (2011-2014) in the paper and on the reference page.

No in Quotes: Paper must be 100% plagiarism free, write with your own words.

Write a 2,100- to 2,450-word paper that evaluates the current state of knowledge in the field you selected. Your paper must

• Describe the field you selected and the scope and basis of your familiarity with it.
(I pick Health care reforms).

• Identify the different kinds of knowledge practitioners and researchers in the field to draw on to inform business or

leadership decisions. (Please have some example in the paper).

• Identify the philosophical assumptions underlying research and practice in the field, including operative paradigms, normal

scientific and management practice, and other characteristics that seem relevant and telling in terms of their effects on the

(Please have some example in the paper).

• Identify a gap in the literature related to your selection – utilize self-reflection as related to the SPL Model to

identify a gap in the literature, especially as it pertains to your unique perspective on leadership and ethics. (Please have

some example in the paper).

• Evaluate whether such assumptions are justified, desirable, and consciously held by practitioners and researchers in the

field. Your evaluation must consider your view of the profession and how at least one approach—positivist, conventionalist,

poststructuralist, postmodernist, hermeneutic, critical, or critical realists—might challenge or augment those assumptions

and their practical consequences. (This must be in the paper, Pick one positivist, conventionalist, poststructuralist,

postmodernist, hermeneutic, critical, or critical realists). Please have some example in the paper.

• In addition, discuss a gap in the literature & evaluate the opportunity to add new knowledge to the existing body of

literature. (Please have some example in the paper).
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

Christensen, C. H. & Jason, G. J. (2009). The innovator’s prescription. McGraw Hill.
Delanty, G., & Strydom, P. (Eds.). (2003). Philosophies of social science: The classic and contemporary readings.

Philadelphia. PA: McGraw-Hill.
Edmund, D. P. (2008). The philosophy of medicine reborn. Notre Dame:
University of Notre Dame Press.
Leap, T. L. (2011). Phantom billing, fake prescriptions, and the high cost of medicine: health care fraud and what to do

about it. Cornell University Press.
Maggie, M. (2006). Money-driven medicine: The real reason health care: Costs so much. HarperCollins.
Reid, T.R. (2009). The healing of America: A global quest for better, cheaper and fairer health Care. Penguin Books.
Paper- Outline

Abstract —-150 words
I. Introduction
A. Current Problem: Health care reforms
B. Key Terms: insurance, health care
Thesis Statement: Health care reforms have a rich history within the US context.
II. Major Point 1: Philosophical concepts and topics
1) Analyzes a number of topics with regards to Health care reforms.

2) Important philosophical concepts in Health care reforms include ethics in Health care reforms.
3) (Please have some example in the paper).
III. Major Point 2: Identify the different kinds of knowledge practitioners and researchers in the field to draw on to inform

business or leadership decisions’.
4) Draw on to inform business
5) Leadership decisions.
6) (Please have some example in the paper).
IV. Major Point 3: Identify the philosophical assumptions underlying research and practice in the field of Health care

7) operative paradigms,
8) normal scientific
9) and management practice,
10) and other characteristics that seem relevant and telling in terms of their effects on the profession
11) (Please have some example in the paper).
V. Major Point 4: Identify a gap in the literature related to your selection of Health care reforms utilize self-reflection

as related to the SPL Model to identify a gap in the literature
12) especially as it pertains to your unique perspective on leadership
13) and ethics
14) (Please have some example in the paper).

VI. Major Point 5: Evaluate whether such assumptions
15) Desirable
16) and consciously held by practitioners
17) and researchers
18) positivist, conventionalist, poststructuralist, postmodernist, hermeneutic, critical, or critical realists
19) (Please have some example in the paper).
VII. Major Point 6: In addition
20) discuss a gap in the literature
21) evaluate the opportunity to add new knowledge to the existing body of literature
22) (Please have some example in the paper).
VIII. Conclusion
23) 150 words

IX. References page