evaluate the tools/models used for external environmental analysis

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evaluate the tools/models used for external environmental analysis

evaluate the tools/models used for external environmental analysis

Order Description
Using environmental analysis of both the internal and external environments and using a range of different tools/models. This assignment challenges you to critically evaluate the effectiveness of these tools/models. Further you are also asked to consider what makes a credible source which will require you to understand why we have referencing frameworks such as Harvard Referencing but also to consider how different sources of information can be evaluated. Understanding these issues is essential to becoming a professional marketer that can be relied upon to provide accurate and timely information for decision making.
1. Critically evaluate the tools/models used for external environmental analysis. Please specify which tools/models you are analyzing and briefly described how and when they are used before starting your analysis. After undertaking your initial research, please indicate if the tools/models you have chosen are used across all business contexts or if they appear to be more popular in certain business contexts. At the end of your analysis give your conclusions for the best practice in using this/these technique/s. 40%
2. . Critically evaluate the use of Porters Five Forces in the internal analysis of the competitive environment. What is the best practice in using this model based on your analysis? Is this model used across all business contexts or does it appear to be more popular in certain business contexts. Are there any alternative methods that can be used for this analysis? 40%
3. What makes a credible source whether an academic source or a source from the trade press? Why is referencing correctly important? 20%