Evaluate ideas and values underpinning services (learning disability services) from the late 19th Century to the present day.

Role of myostatin in the regulation of metabolism and muscle mass
September 20, 2020
September 20, 2020

Evaluate ideas and values underpinning services (learning disability services) from the late 19th Century to the present day.

Topic: Evaluate ideas and values underpinning services (learning disability services) from the late 19th Century to the present day.
Order Description
Evaluate ideas and values underpinning services from the late 19th Century to the present day.


Over the years certain ideas and values have come to shape learning disability services. For example, when people with a learning disability were seen as a threat we

had segregated institutions, and when seen as uneducable they were denied schooling. Learning disability nursing today, just like the services in which they work, is driven by a set of underpinning values which influences the relationship between the nurse and the people they care for. Some of these values can be seen in publications such as ‘Valuing People’ (DH,2001) and more recently Valuing People Now (DH,2009) which lay down the principles of current services for people with learning disabilities and their families. How these will be implemented is set out in Valuing people now: the delivery plan (DH,2009).

General Guidelines