Evaluate how the PSA is supposed to work on the audience

Identify a working bibliography of five (or more) significant sources. Of these sources, two must come from course readings, and three (or more) must
July 17, 2020
Describe the two sets of measurements. (Such as: Mean and Standard deviation of the data).
July 17, 2020

Evaluate how the PSA is supposed to work on the audience

Evaluate how the PSA is supposed to work on the audienceOrder DescriptionEvaluate how the PSA is supposed to work on the audience: who specifically the text is trying to address, what methods theyre using to communicate the desired messageto the audience and whether this approach is effective or not. Use your knowledge of the theories covered in class and the course readings to determine whether the PSAor ad accomplishes its goals (whatever those goals may be) and why.Essays should follow the typical thesis/explanation/conclusion format and be 2000words long.