Evaluate how teamwork and leadership are effective tools for financial forensic investigations. Provide support for your evaluation.

In what one way do the all readings combine to identify a central theme of the American identityDiscuss?
July 23, 2020
Compare and contrast accidental fraudsters and predators.
July 23, 2020

Evaluate how teamwork and leadership are effective tools for financial forensic investigations. Provide support for your evaluation.

1a.From the e-Activity, examine how the Bernie Madoff organization was dismantled and give your opinion on whether you believe he was treated fairly during this process.1b.Give your opinion on whether or not you believe the Securities and Exchange Commission failed in not detecting Bernie Madoff crime earlier. Support your answer.1a.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires the chief executive officer and the chief financial Officer of public companies to personally certify annual and quarterly SEC filings. These certifications require the CEOs and CFOs to take responsibility for their companies financial statements. From the e-Activity, assess the importance of the criminal certifications and the civil certifications, and determine whether or not such certifications will be effective in reducing and detecting fraud in corporations.1b.Fraud may be prosecuted criminally or civilly. Anytime the legal issue at hand involves money or fraudulent activity, forensic accountants and fraud examiners can play an important role in the investigation. Compare and contrast the remedies available in the civil and criminal justice system, indicating which system is most effective.With the advent of computers, cybercrime and Internet frauds are increasing in frequency and in size. The trend is likely to continue. Cybercrimes are described as activities in which a computer or network of computers are an integral part of a crime.For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases and identify an organization that was a victim of cybercrime.Write a four page paper in which you:Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: