European Expansion and the Scramble for Africa””

Topic: Mental Health (drug induced psychosis and recovery)
August 23, 2020
The Endocrine system: diseases and age-related changes
August 23, 2020

European Expansion and the Scramble for Africa””

European Expansion and the Scramble for Africa””
ndicate the page number, the author of the chapter that he or she wrote,who wrote the chapter not the book, and the year (in each paragraph).
_ Do not use any sources except the book, use just the book and the video.
* The book’s name is Nnoromele, Salome and Ogechi E. Anyanwu, eds. (Re)tracing Africa: A Multi-disciplinary Study of African History, Societies, and Cultures(Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2015.
* The chapter is 12 “European Expansion and the Scramble for Africa” pgs 165- 189. The paper will be on chapter 12.
* Video: TheScramble for Africa.
Comments from Support Team: No I do not have the book, and it is okay if you did not use the video // Discipline: European Imperialism in the 19th Crntury

apply in case you have access to the book:

Nnoromele, Salome and Ogechi E. Anyanwu, eds. (Re)tracing Africa: A Multi-disciplinary Study of African History, Societies, and Cultures(Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 2015.