EU 2020 agenda : performance reviewAssessment type: Coursework component Individual Report
Weight: 30% of total module assessment
Length: Your report must not exceed 2,500 words
Date set: 13th January 2016
Deadline for submission: 15th March 2016, latest 1:00pm (via Turnitin link on
EU 2020 Agenda: Reviewing PerformanceYou must produce a report for the European Commission. The objective is to inform the Commissioner about current developments, and the economic and policy implications. In order to do this, you will need select one country from the EU other than the UK (see link on Blackboard for list of countries) and write a report on its economic competitiveness, so that the Commissioner can learn from performance across the continent.
REPORT CONTENT (Your report needs to focus on the following themes):1. How is it performing?
You will need to focus on how your chosen country is performing relative to its EU neighbours. You will need to select indicators, and explain what the data tells us about the economy. You will need to justify your choice of indicators, and use appropriate graphs and charts. It is important to be selective here, as there is a vast array of available data.2. Discussion on one of the areas.
There needs to be a discussion of how your country is dealing in one of the three areas of performance (SMART Growth, Inclusive Growth or Sustainable Growth) and an evaluation of government policy in this area, showing what specific measures it is taking to improve its results.3. What lessons can be learned about the 2020 Agenda from your chosen country?
Drawing insights from your findings, you will need to consider the overall impact of the 2020 Agenda on your chosen country.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA:a. Appropriate length (ideally no more than 2,500 words, which excludes the bibliography and executive summary), format and structure. You must provide full references for all your sources.
b. Your work should be grammatically sound; please proof-read or spell-check before submission.
c. Evidence of adequate research and the use of an appropriate range of data sources and data presentation formats (graphs, charts, figures and tables, as relevant).
d. Analysis which focuses on the question requirements.
e. A brief Executive Summary and Conclusion, each of no more than 250 words.Feedback:
The grades are intended to be available via Blackboard by Tuesday 30th March.Paul Kearney
HYPERLINK mailto: Appendix 1: Marking schemeCategory
Mark Allocation
Executive Summary
This should be used to summarise the key findings of the report.
Presentation & Structure
Layout. Grammar and spelling, use of charts, tables etc. Referencing. Appropriate format for the report. Section numbering. Logical flow and relevant contents.
Use of a range of sources of information. Evidence that data has been accessed and used appropriately.
Evidence that the information you have gathered has been used to answer the question. Instead of just using description, insights (informed by your research) are required.
This should pull together the previous analysis, highlighting the important elements and providing insights and recommendations.TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNT DISPLAYED ON THE WEBSITE AND GET A DISCOUNT FOR YOUR PAPER NOW!