Identify and define a variable which is influencing the form of either ethnicity or racism. Explain how and why it is influencing the contours of ethnicity at present, and how and it may influence the shape of ethnicity in the future.
Outline the ethnic composition of your personal social network. Consider the influences which the composition of your personal social network has had on the way in which you define your own ethnicity and the ways in which you define and form your views of ‘others’ over time.
Outline the essential elements of your ethnic identity. Discuss the ways in which these are defined by relation to the elements of other groups. How, if at all, might your ethnic identity differ if your group existed in isolation?
Outline the central features of your ethnic identity and that of one, or both, of your parents. Compare your own ethnic identity with that of your parents. Show how these differ and attempt to account for the difference in sociological terms.
Outline the essential elements of your own ethnic identity and show how these influence your lifestyle and world-view. Explain how these have changed over time and outline the factors which have produced the changes.
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Posted on May 16, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions