Ethics and Emotions Academic Essay

US Charities Academic Essay
August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020

Ethics and Emotions Academic Essay

Ethics and Emotions in Business Note:( This is a discussion, not an essay)
The discussion board for this course will cover some fundamental ethical principles that are commonly discussed in ethics courses. You will be asked to apply these concepts to a business setting after reviewing an interactive learning tutorial and/or listening to the same materials discussed in an audio format.

In this module I would like you to consider the relationship between ethics and feelings as discussed in the tutorial and podcast materials provided on the background readings page. After reviewing these materials, identify an ethical issue that you encountered in a business setting and discuss this in terms of how the scenario impacted you emotionally and how it might be considered from the position of intuitionism (or based on other concepts presented in the tutorial).
NOTE: These are the sources to be used for the assignment.
Thank you!!!

The following Pearson learning tools should be reviewed to help you prepare for your discussion board postings:
Pearson MyCourse Tools, (2015) Ethics and Emotions. Interactive Tutorial. Retrieved from:
Pearson MyCourse Tools, (2015). Ethics and Emotions. Podcast. Retrieved from:

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Posted on May 14, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions