Ethical Issues in Using Animals in Research

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September 8, 2020
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September 9, 2020

Ethical Issues in Using Animals in Research

Ethical Issues in Using Animals in Research


This essay will present divergent views on whether using animals in research has any ethical implications. Several medical research institutions for the use of non-human subjects is that it is more ethical to use it on animals to humans because of the sacred nature of every human life. Indeed, animals are used either used to conduct experiments or tailored to forms that are useful for obtaining knowledge about a particular subject especially medical purposes. This is because these beings possess similar physiological and genetic traits. The animals that are used mostly in these experiments are rats and mice mainly because of the reason above and the fact that they can be easily caught. These people suggest that the experiments should be stopped as it uses the animals in question as tools rather than living things. However, another school of thought states that the only way these experiments are going to be successful is if these animals are used. They argue that if using animals were considered an evil then using human beings would be eviler. This implies that choosing the lesser evil, which is using animals, would be better in this scenario.

Often Additionally, the fact that animals were made for use by humans implies that any use that a human being develops for an animal is morally upright. For instance, the meat eaten by almost 75% of earthly inhabitants comes from slaughtering animals. The meat is utilized as a source of food to sustain lives. In the same way, the experiments are used to develop knowledge and cure that are meant to sustain human life. Additionally, animals are considered morally lesser than humans implying that the benefits accruing to humans from such experiments are much greater than the harm brought on the animals. The concept of moral community states that all the members of such community have similar characteristics. The humans and the animals have different characteristics implying that they do not belong to the same community. Moreover, the members of these communities often have independence on the choice of their actions. The animals do not have authority over their actions and, therefore, cannot be considered in the same way as humans. This aspect is known as cognition and is possessed by humans alone. This implies that they do not have the same rights as humans and, therefore, can be used for these experiments. In brief, using animals for experimentation purposes is permissible only because the animals possess a low moral status than humans. Therefore, their use provides more benefits to the human beings than brought to them.

Considering the argument above it is evident that animals are harmed when they are used for these experiments. The contemporary world has changed the rules of engagement especially when it comes to the treatment of animals. Currently, animals are considered as beings with moral status and as such should be treated with dignity. The fact that animals can also feel pain, become sick, or even enjoy life implies that they possess the same intrinsic traits as humans. This notion implies that any action that causes pain or sickness for the animal is morally unacceptable. Moreover, any deed that reduces the freedom of these animals causing them not to enjoy their time is unethical.

The cruelty involved in some of these experiments strengthens the resolve to do away with such studies. A visit to such a lap will make one quiver as the animals are taken out part by part as others are injected with developed medicine. In essence, the whole scene shows aspects of cruelty and inhumanity. The rights of these animals are violated in one way or another through detention and even killing. These animals have a moral status that must be recognized by all human beings no matter what the experiments are meant for.


is by testing it on living things with similar genetic foundations as humans. This presents a case with less ethical issues than it is when humans are used. However, the benefits accrued from the use of animals should not be the reason to abuse their rights. Researchers should start developing other test mechanisms for cases where their use can be avoided.