Discuss the relevance of the selected topic to an understanding of multiculturalism or the application of the topic in multicultural counseling.
The final paper must be 10–12 pages (not including the title page, abstract page, or reference pages).
The paper must include a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed and academic journal resources.
The articles should be dated within the past 5 years.
Remember that information from generic websites (e.g., Wikipedia, About.com) will not count towards the minimum of 10 sources required in the paper. Do not include pictures, charts, or graphs in the final paper.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions
Strategic Development Term Paper Academic Essay
Strategic Development Term Paper (130 points): The information in your paper will be held confidential but you may change the name of the organization, individuals, etc. for security reasons. The paper should be a minimum of 15 pages (not counting the cover sheet, reference page or appendix), double spaced, typed on 8 ½ x 11 paper, 12 pt. font, with a minimum of ten scholarly references (not including any internal organizational documents). References and quotations must be properly documented using APA publication standards. In addition, the paper should include a Cover Sheet (see Assignment Cover Sheet in Appendix) and a one page Executive Summary.
Your Project Paper should be prepared as if you have been asked by your organizations Decision-makers to prepare an internal consulting report to be presented to a management team with your recommendation(s). The paper will include a summary Organizational Assessment based on the courses you had in the program and the issue/problem you select should be based on this assessment. A public company is strongly suggested for analysis because the information is readily available. The issue/problem addressed should be one that is relevant and has a potential impact on operational performance.
The rubric on page 9 shows how the paper will be graded. Include the following sections into your paper:
Table of Contents with detailed subheadings.
Executive summary: Summary of your analysis.
Introduction (company products, leadership, structure, industry)
Strategic issue(s) that the company is facing today.
A brief literature review of competitive strategy and strategic decision-making methods by the leaders of the organization.
Analysis and evaluation of the strategic issue(s) and sub-issue(s).
Appendices (should not be part of the 15 page write up).
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions