Hostos’ Journal
May 27, 2020
biological/physiological, evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, sociocultural, eclectic
May 27, 2020

ethical dilemmas

ethical dilemmas

5. Evaluate a personal ethical profile.
6. Recommend ethical principles to real professional settings.

1. Core values
2. Ethical responsibility and standards
3. Ethical influences
4. Trust and responsibility
5. Ethical consequences
6. Organizational safeguards and transparency
7. Transformational leadership
8. Ethical communication
9. Individual impact on organizational culture

Based on this review and reflection, select a topic that is particularly meaningful to you and/or your work setting (Education€”Secondary). Prepare a research paper that integrates course readings and citations (if applicable) from other professional literature. This paper must demonstrate comprehension, application, analysis, assessment, and integration of the research.