Ethic Training in Law Enforcement Agencies

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May 14, 2020
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May 15, 2020

Ethic Training in Law Enforcement Agencies

Ethic Training in Law Enforcement Agencies

The research paper will be 8 €“ 10  pages long, consistent with APA guidelines. The Title page, abstract page (optional), and reference pages are not included in the minimum page requirement. The topic must be directly related to the course and be approved by the instructor prior to the end of Week Two. Submit your request in the designated Forum before the deadline.

Remember that only academic, scholarly references may be used.  This means peer-reviewed professional journals found in the school library will be your primary sources and an occasional published book related to your topic.

I am looking for critical thinking and demonstrating that you have a grasp of the criminal justice material you are researching. NO Direct quotes.  You are to Paraphrase! I want to see your critical thinking skills on display and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your analysis is what is needed for a successful paper.

MAKE SURE THAT THE PAPER HAS (effects of ethic training and how it impacts daily policing practices). WITHIN THE PAPER