Essay, Music Raga Megh (Shiv Kumar Sharma)

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Essay, Music Raga Megh (Shiv Kumar Sharma)

Project description
First i made a mistake of the preferred language, i prefer english US.
Second, I couldn’t upload the recording needed but i’ve provided you with its exact name in the “required listening” section you will find here.
I can send it to you on email if required.
I need it to be done professionally and not off the topic. The instructions and the components of the essay should follow the file I uploaded. I will upload some background reading articles and

the notes of the unit. I will send you the recording itself if possible.<br />
I NEED YOU PLEASE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FILE I WILL UPLOAD! please consider the 3 components of the essay.


This essay should have three major components that address the three critical readings from Unit II.
1.Following Nettl?s description of studying ?music in culture?, discuss the ways in which the raga concept relates to other aspects of Indian culture, social structure, and/or philosophy.
2.Following Clayton?s consideration of musical meaning, discuss what Raga Megh ?means? and how meaning is communicated in performance.
3.Following Alterhaug?s analysis of improvisation, describe the formal structures present in Shivkumar Sharma?s performance of Raga Megh that facilitate improvisation.

Required Listening:
Sharma, Shiv Kumar. ?Raga Megh? on Megh Malhar Vol. 2, Music Today B000003HSJ, 1994, compact disc.

Background Reading:

Arnold, Alison, ed. 2000. Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: South Asia, New York and London: Garland Publishing.

Clayton, Martin. 2000. Time in Indian Music: Rhythm, Metre, and Form in North Indian Raga Performance. (New York: Oxford University Press): Introduction and Chapter 2, pp.1-26.

Keil, Charles. 1994. ?Motion and Feeling Through Music.? In Music Grooves: Essays and Dialogues. Charles Keil and Steven Feld, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ruckert, George. 2004. Music in North India: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
*** Please note that this text has accompanying recordings, which are to be listened to as you read. These are all available and uploaded here.

you will find all the background readings uploaded here with their names.

I’ve uploaded the whole book of ruckert, 7 chapters long.
I’ve uploaded the listening guide for the recording but couldn’t upload the recording, i can email it for you if you need it.

This is the whole thing about the essay, it’s 1,500 long, 3 necessary components.
I hope you will do it as good as i wish for.
Instruction files

guidlinest_and_instructions.pdf(31,22 KiB) style_and_citation_guide.pdf(124,12 KiB) citation_and_footnotes-2.pdf(24,64 KiB) clayton_-_time.pdf(812,06 KiB) keil_motion_and_feeling.pdf(4,46 MiB)

ruckert_-_table_of_contents.pdf(192,68 KiB) ruckert_cd_list.pdf(185,19 KiB) ruckert_chapter_1_-_modernity_and_tradition.pdf(1,19 MiB) ruckert_chapter_2_-_affect.pdf(1,05 MiB) ruckert_chapter_3_-

_teaching_learning_performing.pdf(655,85 KiB) ruckert_chapter_4_-_rhythm_and_drumming.pdf(695,91 KiB) ruckert_chapter_5_-_song_and_performance.pdf(869,29 KiB) ruckert_chapter_6_-

_instruments_melodic_and_rhythmic.pdf(1,25 MiB) ruckert_chapter_7_-_old_world_joins_the_new.pdf(606,73 KiB) ruckert_-_glossary.pdf(445,96 KiB) listening_guide_-

_raga_megh_by_shivkumar_sharma.pdf(41,26 KiB) terms_for_megh_listening_guide.pdf(55,77 KiB)
File uploaded by writer

order_id_1045745.doc (54,50 KiB)
Revision set on 2014-04-02 08:21:56

Excuse me I need this to be done by friday, 9 pm. and i’ve placed the order with all these articles and files which are required reading so they should be the references of the essay, yet all i can

see is you citing some random books of anonymous people!! all these instructions and messages i’ve sent and you didn’t follow any!!!!! I’m really mad and pissed off! Can you please rewrite it

based on the files i’ve uploaded and attached to the msgs i sent you??? did u ever read them????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old files
raga.1.doc(52,50 KiB) The work is good overall but it lacks citations and bibliography, i need them to be there. I will upload a document now that might help you with citing besides the style and

citation of school of music that i attached. I also need to know whether you followed the guidelines document i attached or no? did you write each component based on the article mentioned

beside it? like, from which article exactly you knew that this recording has a meaning of rain and stuff. Moreover, there are several grammatical/spelling mistakes in the essay. I would really

appreciate it if you correct them.

Music, Culture and Society Guidelines for Essay 2
DUE: Friday, 4
, 2014
SUBMIT: by 9pm to SafeAssign
LENGTH: 1200

1500 words
Our focus in this unit has been a recording of Raga Megh by Shivkumar Sharma on the
santoor. In this essay, you will
define the concept of raga, using this recording as a
point of focus.
This essay should have three major components that address the three critical readings
from Unit II.
Following Nettl’s description of studying ‘music in culture’, disc
uss the ways in
which the raga concept relates to other aspects of Indian culture, social
structure, and/or philosophy.
Following Clayton’s consideration of musical meaning, discuss what Raga Megh
‘means’ and how meaning is communicated in performance.
lowing Alterhaug’s analysis of improvisation, describe the formal structures
present in Shivkumar Sharma’s performance of Raga Megh that facilitate
Preparation for this essay requires you to engage with three types of sour
The recording itself. You should listen carefully, following the guide to the
recording posted on blackboard. You should also take notes as you listen,
highlighting noteworthy moments. In your essay, you can refer to specific
sections of the performan
ce by using minute/second marks, i.e. ‘At 1:04,
Sharma begins to intensify the introduction.’
The three critical readings that we have completed in this unit: Nettl, Clayton, and
Alterhaug. Your primary responsibility in this essay is to try to relate the
recording in question to some of the larger questions posed by these readings.
Basic information provided regarding Indian musical terms and practices. The
George Ruckert text,
Music in North India
, is a good source for this
background material (particular
ly chapters 4, 5, and 6). Lecture notes will also
function in this way.

Be careful to avoid plagiarism.

Remember that both direct quotation and the summary of
points made by others
requires citation.

Cite all sources according to the
School of Music’s style guide.

Be original (when possible). I will look for evidence of your own thoughts and

LISTEN TO THE RECORDING!!!! I will look for evidence that you are familiar with
the recording.

School of Music
School of Music

Style Guide
Style Guide

This guide addresses the following topics:
Style 1


addresses proper formatting for essays
Styles 2

Citation and Bibliography (1)

addresses struct
ure and standards for the correct citation
of a source in bibliographies and footnotes
Style 3

Citation (2)

addresses proper use of citation within the text of the
Style 4


addresses proper use of quotation (both short and long)
the text of the essay
Style 5


addresses proper language and grammar within the text
of the essay
Style 6


addresses the issue of plagiarism and UCD’s policy on

addresses the formal structure of essays and t
he ordering
of ideas
Any essay submitted to the School of Music should be formatted in the
following way:

lines should be

, with the exception of long
quotations (see Style 4

Quotation, below, for more details)

margins s
hould be at least 3 cms on both the left and right sides

pages should be numbered, if possible

each new paragraph should be indented from the left margin using
the tab key

there is no need to place an additional space between paragraphs

essays should be bo
und in some way, using a stapler, a paper clip,
or a plastic binder

the assessment submission form should be attached to the front of
the essay

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