Two pages essay about article “Minor League Lifer John Shoemaker Has Major Impact on Dodgers organization”
April 1, 2020
business proposals or real-life problems.
April 1, 2020

Essay layout requirements

Essay layout requirements

Essay layout requirements

You are required to follow these ‘essay layout requirements’

You are aiming to complete a well researched and information rich essay, with correct spelling, that demonstrating high levels of Harvard and communicates effectively. Design is an integral part of this process – these layout guidelines will help you to achieve a simple readable and well presented professional looking essay.

LAYOUT Include

  • Typeface

Tahoma or Arial.

  • Type

size 10 point.

  • Margins

Left 4cm, Right 3cm, Top 1.5cm & Bottom 3cm. This will create a type line length that aids the legibility of your work.