Spanish olive oil
May 10, 2020
The book for this is:
May 10, 2020

Essay, English outline

Essay, English

Project description
Synthesis Outline

1. Introduction
a. Hook:
b. Information needed in order to understand the essay (optional):
c. Thesis:
d. Main Ideas:
e. Significance/relevance:
2. 1st Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence: Define your concept of happiness
b. Argument:
c. Support:
d. Analyze Evidence:
e. Conclude argument:
f. Transition to next idea:
3. 2nd Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence: Define and explain concepts of the good life from the class notes
b. Argument:
c. Support:
d. Analyze Evidence:
e. Conclude argument:
f. Transition to next idea:
4. 3rd Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence: Analysis of the good life in the Tao Te Ching
b. Argument:
c. Support:
d. Analyze Evidence:
e. Conclude argument:
f. Transition to next idea:
5. 4th Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence: Analysis of the good life in the Crito
b. Argument:
c. Support:
d. Analyze Evidence:
e. Conclude argument:
f. Transition to next idea:
6. 5th Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence: Analysis of the good life in the Sermon at Benares
b. Argument:
c. Support:
d. Analyze Evidence:
e. Conclude argument:
f. Transition to next idea:
7. 6th Body Paragraph
a. Topic Sentence: Synthesize your concept of happiness with previous ideas
b. Argument:
c. Support:
d. Analyze Evidence:
e. Conclude argument:
8. Conclusion
a. Significance/relevance:
b. Main Ideas:
c. Thesis:
d. End with the Thesis or with a famous quote:
9. Sources