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ESL Analytical Essay

ESL Analytical Essay

1.Write an analytical essay based on the question ‘How tourism industry has impacts on the environment?’

2.Please read the attached document and consult three to four academic resources on google scholars, for examples
1)Environmental implications of tourism development
John Pigram – Annals of Tourism Research – 1980
2)Resident perception of the environmental impacts of tourism

3. Write references at the end of the essay in the APA form, and mark out all the citations in the essay.

4.Please use relatively simple expressions in the essay.

Analytical Essay Calculation
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Stage 1: Understand Your Assignment
Complete By: Mon Feb 01, 2016
For an overview of the process, see Analytical Essay (TWC handout) to ensure you are ready to start your work. If you
are not sure you understand, ask your professor or TA for clarification, or come to your local writing centre.
Stage 2: Read or Re-read Source Texts
Complete By: Thu Feb 04, 2016
Read or re-read the text(s) you will be using for the essay. The handout on critical reading (TWC handout) may be
If you are doing an essay that compares and contrasts two works, see the handout on compare-contrast (TWC handout)
Stage 3: Select and Focus Your Topic
Complete By: Fri Feb 05, 2016
If you are not sure where to start, try some of the brainstorming techniques (TWC brainstorming handout).
This handout on the writing process (twc handout) may also be useful.
Stage 4: Draft a Working Thesis
Complete By: Wed Feb 10, 2016
Read about how to write a thesis statement (TWC handout). You may also want to come to your local writing centre with
your draft.
Stage 5: Outline the Overall Structure
Complete By: Sun Feb 14, 2016
Develop an outline of your essay (twc handout on outline).
Stage 6: Write the First Draft
Complete By: Tue Feb 16, 2016
Write the first draft of your critical review.
Be careful to construct a logical argument, with coherent paragraphs, and a strong introduction and conclusion.
Stage 7: Revise and Rewrite
Complete By: Thu Feb 18, 2016
Test the overall structure of your essay, as well as your paragraphs, by creating a reverse outline (twc reverse outline
handout) Consult Style and Editing. Consult worksheet for revising your writing for more tips. Look at the writing
process handout again for a useful editing checklist. Take your draft to the writing centre for additional feedback
Stage 8: Put Paper in Its Final Form
Complete By: Mon Feb 22, 2016
Proofread your paper.
Cite your sources properly.
Avoid plagiarism.
The Academic Task Calculator is a project of the Centre for Teaching and Learning and University of Toronto Libraries
Based on the University of Minnesota project of the same name, with thanks and acknowledgement.
Although this PDF document is printable, none of the resource hyperlinks will work. Think green!