September 25, 2020
Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy
September 25, 2020

ERP and CRM systems.

Analysis of the two systems shows that the CRM and ERP are identical, but they both have different individual roles. In that they both permit employees to coordinate and share their data within an institution making it easy for two different departments to coexist. For example, while giving forecasts and reports to executives that can be achieved from the herein contained data.

Benefits in a company

Customer relationship Management or CRM in companies is often implemented to increase its overall sales. Its integration directly helps to improve customer relation, since it makes all transactions that deal with marketing, selling and servicing products is more systematic and organized. Through the data collected the CRM helps increase customer revenues within the companies. Adhering to the system also allows companies to create a better communication system in all levels of its interaction and management. Lastly, a good CRM system can help companies predict revenue mainly by tracking their channels; currently the systems also offer sales and marketing options.

Enterprise systems, also known as ERP systems or enterprise resource planning systems enable companies to have greater visibility and insight into their supply chain operations. The system allows companies to maintain a competitive edge within the industry while also enabling it make a critical decision more efficiently. In companies, its implementation helps improve productivity and time efficiency by removing manual entry and duplication. The system also allows the company management and executives to review the condition of the company and see which sectors of productivity and efficiency should be changed. Lastly, the system enables the vendors to maintain close relations with the industries they are in, and react quickly to the customers changing needs.

Challenges in the implementation

I agree with the main problems as identified by the second essay stating that the problem with the implementation of the two systems often lies in their complexity, this often leads to problems in data quality, attention to detail and frequency of use. Another issue is in their overly complicated workflows and complex systems that require prior extensive training to manage. The systems constantly need upgrading, and that is also another challenge since they are expensive to buy. Lastly, security is also another common problem associated with the two systems.

Integration impact on customers

On customers, the direct effect of these systems comes down to the direct satisfaction the systems tend to provide mainly due to their reduced transaction periods, greater productivity and higher quality on the services offered. The systems also make it much easier for the customers to be reached through incisive methods that help streamline processes and highlight customer needs to attend to those needs as requested by the customer

Both systems if well integrated can also give the employee the ability to access vital data in real-time. For example, if a client asks the call center about the status of an order, the customer care will not have to go look into different data storage systems to get the information. Therefore, a well-integrated system solution empowers the employees with the exact data they need at the exact time it’s needed. In that with a touch of a button they can retrieve for the customer, their financial order history, inventory levels, prices, shipment records, payments and returns among others.