The Last Wolf
October 19, 2020
Incident Control Logs
October 19, 2020

Environmental Problems

Wilson contends that environmental problems are innately ethical in that human beings have the knowledge to understand that their activities affect the environment and that they have a mandate, or duty to protect the environment. Wilson tries to bring out the point that human are solvable motivates Wilson to contend them as “innately ethical”

In his article, Dillard pictures humankind as being in a place of mystery. He describes the world of man as a world that is full of vices such as anarchy, cowardice, extremism and radicalism. He expresses concern over the lunatics of the present world, including the improbabilities of the current world. Such agnosticism, improbabilities and uncertainties are the vices surrounding humankind in the current world. Dillard attributes faithlessness the cowering cowardice brought about by the smallness of humankind. He argues that cowardice or faithlessness is facilitated by the failure of the humankind to employ the imagination.

The views expressed by both Dillard and Wilson hold water, especially in the conservation of the environment. I agree with Willson that human beings are capable of solving the environmental problems. They can do this by laying strategies that are long-lasting to save the incoming generations. Additionally, the faithlessness of human beings in the present world has contributed to their being hopeless.