Environmental economics in developing countries

June 30, 2020
Mental disorder
June 30, 2020

Environmental economics in developing countries

15 report in regards to an economics related environmental problem. Specifically in regards to China’s growing dependency on polluting technologies that cause negative environmental impacts. Possible subjects to be discussed may be the impact of fossil fuel dependence, air quality and pollution, health detriments as a result of the environmental damage, etc. All environmental problems discussed must be explored from the lenses from an Economics perspective. Such as the explicit and implicit costs onto society for using antiquated coal burning technologies. We also need to explore aspects such as remedies and their associated costs. An example of this would be requiring smokestacks or clean burning coal technologies: By adopting this technology the projected annual savings in costs would be $XXXXXXX and this would reduce emissions by YYYYYYYY tons causing a health savings of $XXXXXXXXXX and reduction of health problems by XXXX% Essay can include graphs and models but they need to be thoroughly explained. All cites need to be sorted and dated. No requirement for specific MLA format or Chicago format but consistency is required. Paper should explore several topics within the environmental economics spectrum with an economics analytical approach that are interrelated and should produce a clear image of an overall problem trend. Remedies should be suggested but it should not be definitive as there is no single solution that solves all problems.