Importance of Theory: Guidelines with Scoring Rubric
August 28, 2020
Life Course Theory_Application of Human Development Theories
August 28, 2020

Entry Strategy

Topic: Entry Strategy
Order Description
ssignment 3 requires you to write a Report presenting a current (2016) scenario, plus a forecast based on this scenario for 4-5 years to 2021 for Villiers’s possible entry into South Korea. This assignment will build on material from Assignment 2 by covering issues relating to potential market, industry and competitor analysis, modes of entry and other relevant factors addressed in topics 7 to 11 of the Unit and your wider research.

• Assignment 3 must include a market analysis, industry analysis, competitor analysis and SWOT analysis relevant to the company and the country using the information provided in the Assessment Overview document.
• This must be combined with the analysis of the environmental material in the Assignment 2 report to develop recommendations as to the mode of entry1Villiers should use for entry into South Korea.
• There should be recommendations as to the strategy and structure the company should use in implementing its market entry decision.