Entrepreneurship – Business Plan

Topic: research methods for business management
August 23, 2020
Qualitative Focus Group Research Discussion Guide
August 23, 2020

Entrepreneurship – Business Plan

Entrepreneurship – Business Plan
Order Description
Subject: Entrepreneurship
Level: MBA
Assignment: Business Plan.
Language: UK English standard
Level of write up: Critical analysis. (Very important)The lecturer wants lots of critical analysis. The lecturer does not want too much academic or descriptive writing.
Word count: 3,000 + 10%. (Appendix, References mentioned in the write up and in the reference section will not be counted in the word count).
Reference: As per Harvard Referencing. About 25 references will be good.
Cover and Content Page: Pls include a cover and content page for the assignment.
Attachments included:
1. Universities assignment guidelines from Pg 1 to Pg 5 for each section.
2. Lecture notes in pdf.
3. Sample of a Business Plan

Assignment brief:
Pls follow the Sampls A2 Business Plan and the Assignment 2 Business Plan guide from the attachments sent.
***The product must be the same as per the Marker Feasibility Study assignment which I have attached. Both the assignment must be related.