write an individual report analyzing the current situation and then outlining a suggested marketing strategy for one of the following organizations, t
March 14, 2020
Photojournalist for a Day
March 14, 2020


1. Design, on paper, using an entity-relationship format, a database for an organization with 50 customers, 6 products, 2 telephone sales reps, and 2 suppliers. Sales reps write sales orders for customers. Sales orders must be able to have more than one product on an order. Suppliers provide products in response to purchase orders which may be for one or more than one product. Add transaction tables as necessary. All of the entities must be normalized within the diagram. The diagram should identify appropriate fields (no more than 5 per entity class) depicting the proper primary-key/foreign-key relationship and data types. No data is required.

2. What potential security issues face businesses today as a result of their dependency on IT? Exemplify. What is disaster recovery? What are the components of an effective disaster recovery plan? What are several business decisions facing contemporary managers having both ethical and IT considerations? How would you deal with each?