Program Implementation and Adaptation
October 8, 2020
Impact on the Policy Process
October 8, 2020

Enterprise start-up

Topic: Enterprise start-up

Order Description
*** PLEASE NOTE: I have uploaded the simulation I took part in for you to base the report on. As this is a re-sit assignment, so I also uploaded lecture slides for you to refer to.

In line with the requirements for operation of the April Executive Business
Simulation 2014 and given that you have launched a new company into the
European car market you are to produce a report to the shareholders reflecting upon
their company’s performance during the simulation and making recommendations
for future action by the organisation.
Maximum number of words: 2,000 (plus data & appendices).

To include:
– Critical performance review in light of the initial business plan.
– An analysis of the contribution to the performance of the company of the
particular role / function adopted by the candidate during the simulation.
– Justified recommendations for the next five years organisational operation
– Candidates should refer to the assessment criteria provided.
Marking Scheme
Re-sit Assessment Criteria
67% Weight
Company performance/decision making
– Appropriateness and justification ofdecisions made;
– Evidence of use and analysis of informationprovided to inform decision making;
– Evidence of market/industry knowledgeincluding competitor awareness, customerawareness, strategic direction;
– Concise overview of results;
– Realistic recommendations for the futurebased on sound, reasoned arguments.

– Appropriate format;
– Complete and concise;
– Understandable;
– Relevant.