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Assessment 1::WHS Policies and
Student Instructions:
You are required to develop a range of WHS policies and procedures for your chosen workplace. This will
include identifying and analysing current policies and procedures and where appropriate, updating,
rewriting or developing new ones.
See the instructions in Learning Spot on choosing a suitable workplace to use as the basis for this
assessment task. If your organisation is large, you may have to focus on a specific work area, process or
department for this assessment item.
Include an introduction to your business at the beginning of this assessment item. It
should be a couple of paragraphs to identify and describe the company or organisation,
and give a brief overview. Include information like location, size, number of staff,
products and services, customer base, future plans and current WHS status. Once you
have written this ‘summary’, include it as an introduction for any assessment item that is
based on the organisation.
Your tasks are as follows:
WHS policies
1. Locate any WHS policy documents or statements for your organisation which
reflect the organisation’s general commitment to WHS or to a specific aspect of
For each of the policy documents or statements:
a) Explain the purpose or intention of the policy
b) Comment on its currency, adequacy and suitability to the organisation,
and if it accurately reflects the organisations approach and commitment to
c) Use your findings from b) to update or rewrite the WHS policy.
d) Identify how and where it is communicated to stakeholders, key personnel
and the public. Would you make any changes or recommendations
regarding the communication of the WHS policy in your organisation?
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Participative arrangements
2. Write a set of procedures or guidelines for WHS participative arrangements in
your chosen workplace. They may be based on current workplace practices, or
represent recommendations for possible guidelines in your workplace.
You will need to refer to Part 5 of the WHS Act, 2011 in your jurisdiction for relevant information
and legislative requirements.
Your procedures must outline:
– The nature of the arrangements
– What WHS matters will be consulted on (make reference to WHS
– Who will be consulted for each matter;
– When, or under what circumstances, will the consultation occur;
– How the consultation process will occur;
– The election and role of health and safety representatives and
– Any other requirements such as workgroups, deputy representatives, etc.
– Outline of the issue resolution process and feedback on outcomes
3. Explain how information about the outcomes of participation and consultation will
be communicated to workers and relevant personnel.
Make sure you include/explain:
– Timeframes for any communication processes.
– How you will communicate (i.e. what format or mode of communication).
– Any language, literacy or numeracy issues and how you will make the
information accessible to all stakeholders.
Risk management procedures
4. Develop a set of guidelines for the ongoing process of hazard identification,
assessment of risk and control of those risks in your chosen workplace.
Your guidelines must include:
– When formal hazard identification and risk assessment processes will
occur (consider: planning, design and evaluation stages of any workplace
changes and any requirements for expert OHS advice)
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– How the process ensures that new hazards are not created by any
changes to equipment, processes, people, work systems, work
environment, risk controls, etc.
– Ongoing hazard identification processes and risk management
– Continuous improvement strategies and workplace monitoring.
5. What are the risk control measures applied in the hierarchy of control and how
could they be applied? It may be appropriate to focus on a particular work area,
department or process.
6. Define and explain the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and key
personnel as set out in the WH&S legislation.
Legislated responsibilities
PCBU (Employer) Click here to enter text.
Managers/supervisors Click here to enter text.
Workers Click here to enter text.
Health and safety
Click here to enter text.
Health and safety
Click here to enter text.
WHS manager/officer Click here to enter text.
Contractors Click here to enter text.
7. Identify what items may need to be considered when developing the WH&S budget.
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8. Consider the following scenario:
Management wish to purchase some new PPE such as safety glasses and
leather gloves. They have consulted with workers using the appropriate
processes and some workers have expressed concern regarding the safety
glasses, which are not tinted and will not allow for prescription or sun glasses to
be worn underneath. Other workers have indicated that they will refuse to wear
the gloves as they slow down the work process. As the WH&S committee chair,
you have delegation for safety equipment purchases to the value of $2000. The
cost of purchase of the identified safety glasses and gloves is $1900. To
purchase the more expensive safety glasses with tinting and extra room for
prescription glasses will increase the total expenditure to $2,300.
a) Discuss how you would go about resolving these issues between workers
and management.
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b) If management and workers could not come to some sort of agreement on how to resolve
this WHS issue, explain how they should move forward to resolve the issue. Hint: see the
requirements under the WHS Act, 2011, Part 5, sections 81 and 82.
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b) As it has been identified that 15 staff wear prescription glasses, the WH&S
committee has recommended the purchase of 15 safety glasses that
provide for the user to wear prescription glasses to be issued directly to
these staff members. Discuss the process you would follow to gain
approval of the additional expenditure
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9. Explain which records you would use, and how they would help you, to identify
patterns of occupational injury and disease within your chosen workplace and
enable you to evaluate the organisation’s WH&S system.
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10. How do you ensure your organisations WH&S system stays current with changes
to legislation?
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