“The Rocking Horse Winner
October 20, 2020
International Relations: U.S.A and China
October 20, 2020


Ralph Waldo Emerson

An individual should take time and spend adequate energy to acquire knowledge with the aim of understanding and reviewing oneself through self-actualization. The ultimate goal is to use the knowledge and experience gained to create new concepts and ideas, which are helpful to the community and society. Therefore, it is liberating for the individual to assist the society through action, observation of nature and review of the past. As a result, an individual develops optimism and intellectual leadership skills.Celebrate intuition and inspiration. An individual should not only rely on learning and technique solely as a means of acquiring information and knowledge. By applying and celebrating intuition and inspiration, one can truly live to their innermost self. A person, therefore, transcends the self and tap into the universal spirit that is divine and pervades all creation. The result of applying the new behavior and thought, the individual frees themselves from their narrow view of life and old thoughts. They thus stimulate themselves to possess an imagination of the world in exciting new ways.

Self-relying on one’s abilities and resources leads to fulfilment. Believing in ones abilities and thoughts brings independence. The inner voice with which a person thinks with should lead their behavior and guide their lives. Each person is aware of the power that resides inside him or she, and none but he or sheknow their capability. Therefore, the behavior and thinking of any person is guided by their own powers and judgment. The result of their self-reliance will be harmony, independence, and peace in knowing they have done their work to their level best.

David Thoreau

People in the world should strive to treat their fellow man with humility and justice. The guardians of law and justice are at the frontline. They should strive and make sure that they are at the champion for the rights of every individual. By observing justice and fairness to the minority groups, the guardians of the law lead by the example.However, the people who interact with each other on a day-to-day basis have to effectively communicate and solve their differences amicably. The individual has to have respect for their fellow compatriots regardless of their race or tribe. The government tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the law is observed. By following the laid down regulations and rules, the individuals will think about the ramifications of their actions before they act. They will also hold each other in high regard. The minority who suffered will be protected by the government (through the law) and enjoy better treatment from their fellow friends and acquaintance. Thus, their self-worth and image will be improved. Will have an increased

Government is the body, which has the legal mandate to rule in the country. However,regardless of it being chosen by the people to execute their will, it is not free from abuse. The few individuals who work in can use it as their tool. The government is tasked with providing an enabling environment for its citizens to live, play and conducts their business activities. An enabling environment guides the citizen and foreigners conduct in the country. The individuals in the country, as a result, create employment and are able to improve their income and livelihoods. Overly, the citizens will thus have a highself-esteem and self-worth.


Thoreau, D. (1849). Resistance to Civil Government. Yoge Books