English Journals
The first story is:
“The Rocking horse winner” by D.H. Lawrence
Please answer the following questions based on this story
1. What are the mood and the tone of the exposition.
2. What do you learn about the mother.
3. How does her portrayal compare with your concept of “Mother”.
4. What kinds of exceptions does the opening sentence create.
5. What elements in this passage clearly foreshadow coming events.
6. What other literary devices are used in the story.
7. How is the conflict developed throughout the text.
1. Describe what you see in the picture above what do you think Paul is feeling as he rides the rocking horse to find the winner.
2. Describe how you think the 2 other children in the room who are watching Paul feel as he rides the rocking horse and what visual evidence supports your claims.
3. what is the mood created by this image.
4. What do you think Paul is trying to win, even if he himself is not aware of this fact.
5. what evidence supports this conclusion.
Next story is “The Shining Houses” by Alice Munro
Please answer the questions short but strait to the point.
These answers should need 1 page
Question 1
Compare and contrast the character of Mary in “The shining house” with Paul’s mother in the “Rocking Horse Winner” in what ways are these 2 characters a critical response to society’s obsession with appearance. ?
Question 2
“The main character in “The Shining House” is a quintessential Canadian character – She would not exist in any other culture.” To what extent do you agree with this statement. ?
The Third story is: “War” by Timothy Findley
Question 1: Focusing specifically on the way in which Findley has captured the thoughts and feelings of a twelve year old boy, who is looking back on events that happened when he was ten years old. Focus particularity on the explanations and interpretations that the narrator at the age of twelve offers for things he said and did at age ten. In what ways does the older version of the narrator understand more fully the significance of the events described in the story.?