English in Drama: Draft Paper for Final Project

Corporate governance. Academic Essay
August 20, 2020
Discussion Question Week 2
August 21, 2020

English in Drama: Draft Paper for Final Project

English in Drama: Draft Paper for Final Project

Order Description
Final Project
You all come to this class from different walks of life and experience. You have different plans for your future, and I’m sure you want to excel at them. I’d like you to put your own background and possible future plans into the Final Project that you’re working on for this class.
Naturally, your Final Project can consist of a formal written document, the likes of which many of you are already very familiar with I’m sure. However, I’d like to take a few moments to discuss alternative projects, which you might not be as familiar with.
These can vary from composing and performing a piano piece that is inspired by Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? to designing a Power Point that looks into various portraits of Hamlet’s Ophelia.
If you choose to write a traditional paper, you’ll need to follow the following regulations:
* The paper must be at least 750 words.
* It must include at least two sources of additional research material.
* You must have the topic approved.
* You must include a first draft.

Formal Project Proposal:
My final proposal is to concentrate on writing a document on how different “Personalities” are encountered in a workplace environment. I chose this topic because I work within a team and it’s interesting to see how different personalities can be challenging and how folks handle different behavior patterns. Some personalities differ with one person to another. Dealing with other people according to their personality can make a team stronger. Knowing personality type can help people understand themselves better and to improve on their weaknesses. Otherwise, it can cause low team morale.
Alyssa and Emilie recommended a good idea to have different characters interact with one another and I chose Hamlet, Martha, Honey, and Rocky. I will put these characters in a workplace environment working on the same team. It would be interesting to see if the characters act with integrity, honesty, and respect in a productive environment and to see the different outcome/consequences that can occur when the rules are ignored or broken.
I chose Hamlet because he behaves rashly and impulsively. Hamlet seems to step very easily into the role of a madman, behaving erratically and upsetting the other characters with his wild speech. Martha is an alcoholic and is perceived as a loud, vicious-tongued, bossy woman who is angry, frustrated and brings her personal issues in the workplace. Honey is young and naive, polite and honest, but would like to see if she can work under pressure. Rocky is tough, sentimental, and good-natured but can be vicious if you push the wrong button.
The characters would have reviewed the Company Code of Conduct and taken mandatory courses to gain the proper understanding on how to act in the workplace and how to act towards each other.

Feedback for above Proposal:
1) I’m not sure if you are a psych major or not, but there is a lot of information about this within Industrial psychology which should be able to help you with any research you may need to do in regards to different personalities in the workplace. I know that based on the psychologist there are different characteristics which determine which workplace personality a person has in this field.
2) Jessica makes some good points. You might want to look into them. You should also spend some good time defining their roles. For instance, has Hamlet been there for a long time? Did Rocky’s dad get him the job after he retired after 38 years with the company? Is Honey sleeping with the boss? Etc.
3) I really like your idea here. Seeing how these characters from different stories interact will certainly be interesting. Just a suggestion here, maybe you could swap out Honey for another character from a different play we study, just because we have already seen the interaction between Honey and Martha. I think adding one of the fickle and confused characters of Rosencrantz or Guildenstern could add to your project.
4) Darlene, I think this is a really clever idea! What is the project that the characters would be working on? I was thinking that maybe instead of Honey, you could throw in Betty from “Sure Thing” (since we’ve seen some interaction between Martha and Honey) and portray her as this quite girl who appears good-natured but can be loud and angry when she wants to (like when she starts yelling at Bill). Also, would you be using a particular personality type indicator like Myers-Briggs or Big Five Factor to ascertain the personality profiles of the characters?
5) Awesome! So, are they going to be struggling to get along with certain characters? I do wonder if Hamlet and Martha would get along – I think they’d either get along well or completely hate each other. I’m curious to see what you do. Will you have an event/goal they’re trying to work toward as a team?
6) I feel like your idea would make for a really great Buzzfeed article. Like one of their “The 5 Roomates You Will Have in College” except in this case it would be the four people you will have as coworkers – play edition with the Hamlet, the Martha, the Honey, and the Rocky.
7) I think this is a great idea! I think the characters that you are choosing are good. You have Martha and Hamlet whose personalities both have tension to redirector to reach you project goal. I would like to know what specific working environment you are going to put them in? If I were you, I would think of a special circumstance. For example, in a high level meeting, or in a team building activity. You may want to assign them different position in this environment to show their personalities.
8) The fact that you are using their interactions in the workplace for your project makes it really interesting in different! I do agree with other comments that it might add to your project to replace Honey with Rosencrantz, Guildenstern or even Betty. Taking one character from each play would provide you with a wider array of personalities. I also agree with the professor’s comment about providing background information about their roles in the workplace.
9) Excellent work! I remember that one of our classmates also wants to analyze the personality, but he/she wants to focus on Martha; whereas you focus on different characters through different play. I know there are a lot of information about psychology knowledge; it is hard to analyze psychologically personality. I am really looking forward to your work. Good luck!
10) Backing off of what Jessica has stated (again!) is that you should really look into industrial psychology. This looks at how people interact with each other in a workplace and what factors can make or break a business. You should also make each of them have different roles in the workplace such as manager, assistant, supervisor, ect. I think that it will be interesting if you focus on the hierarchy of a workplace. I am wondering who you would make in charge of everything.
11) Glad Alyssa and I could help! I love your idea of putting these four and complex characters in the same workplace environment. Quick question, are they in your office? I feel like none of these characters would get any work done. None of them seem like the working type. I guess their manager would have to figure out creative ways to motivate them to actually work. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
12) I keep imagining something like ‘The Office’ happening, where these characters interact and get into crazy situations, all the while a camera crew follows them around. Would one character be the other senior management?

This coming week, we’re going to devote ourselves to the following:
1. Read the material below regarding the details of this unit.
2. Complete a draft of your project.
• I ask that you please post a draft of your work no later than Tuesday, midnight. You’ll be required to write up at least five reviews of your peer’s work, due by Wednesday, midnight. Your Final Project will be due on Friday, midnight.
• If you’re writing up a paper for this project, then the rules are simple. Post an entire draft of your work by the deadline.
• However, some projects may be taking more time. If that is the case, then you have to post material by Tuesday that you do need feedback on. If you’re working on a video project that isn’t edited as yet, per se, you might give the reader a full overview of the project, speak of the particular dilemmas you’re having, ask for some advice, and perhaps post a portion so that your critics may be able to get a view so to better assist you.
• Allowed to use up to TWO sources
• Hamlet (movie Hamlet)
• Martha (movie Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf)
• Betty (movie Sure Thing) instead of Honey from Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf
• Rocky (movie The Iceman Cometh)
Structure of Paper:
I would like to know if you can complete a draft paper on putting the above 4 characters in a workplace environment to display their personalities based on the above feedback? However you want to structure the paper is up to you. Whether the characters work on the same team, or if three characters reports into one other character. Or, based on the feedback. This paper will only be a draft. You can make the story fun and exciting.

