Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word (460 words per scenario) collaborative troubleshooting operating systems paper by completing the instructions in Appendix
September 29, 2020
2 Growth
September 29, 2020


Sustainable redevelopment of contaminated land Project description 19 – Sustainable Redevelopment of Contaminated Land Brownfield regeneration has become a major policy driver in developed countries. Developing on sites with contamination is likely to become increasingly important if the brown field target is to be sustained. The risk analysis and assessment of the contaminated land to health and safety need to be considered. Case study is also considered including techniques used for cleaning the contaminated land. The ACTION PLAN will be assessed on: i) Your approach to aim/s and objectives – weighting 35% ii) The planning of the project and the proposed methodology – weighting 35% iii) The appropriateness of references – weighting 15% iv) The presentation of the information – weighting 15% Please structure your Action Plan submission in a manner that the above headings are clearly and effectively addressed.