Empowerment Approach to Human Services Management

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July 21, 2020
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July 21, 2020

Empowerment Approach to Human Services Management

Grading Criteria


Empowerment Approach to Human Services Management Paper

This assignment is due in Week Two.


60 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
  • Specifically addressed the following:
    • How clients are included in organizational decision-making processes
    • How the dream agency will decrease the sense of powerlessness among consumers and increase access and quality of services
    • Measures the dream human service agency will take to ensure that diverse cross-cultural needs are met
      • Consider the following areas of diversity:  socioeconomic background, culture, age, gender, sexual identity, spirituality, disability, and other unique differences.
    • Ideological belief systems of a manager who espouses empowerment for the overall agency, staff members, and clientele
    • How concepts of team-building and collaboration will be met within the organization
    • Strategies for consistent evaluation of organizational efficacy that include strategic feedback from clients, community constituency groups, and staff members within the agency


20 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
  • The paper is 1,050 to 1,400 words in length.
  • The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
  • The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.


20 Percent

Points Available


Points Earned


Additional Comments:
  • The paperincluding the title page, reference page, tables, and any appendixesis consistent with APA guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
  • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.


Total Available

Total Earned