After Reading Chapter 13 in the Cohen book, summarize and explain your understanding of: What did Drucker mean by his title of this chapter?
August 6, 2020
PBL Exercise 2: Designing flexible work
August 6, 2020

Employment Law (England)

Air Freight Deliveries Ltd. (AFD);1. Identify the parties to a contract of employment;
2. Understand the legal principles underpinning the sources of and methods of creating obligations under a contract;
3. Outline the methods by which a contract may be terminated at common law and the principles relating to statutory termination rights;
4. Have an accurate and up-to-date knowledge of anti-discrimination and case law;
5. Explain the circumstances in which an equal pay claim might be brought and the process by which it is decided;
6. Understand the role played by anti-discrimination legislation and other employment protection legislation in controlling and moulding future conduct and attitudes;
7. Apply the above principles to a range of situations and identify the issues and problems;
8. Propose a range of solutions to problems, demonstrating knowledge of the uncertainty of the law.