Employment Industrial Relations

Case Study ACCG924
June 24, 2020
Drama review for the Sopranos
June 24, 2020

Employment Industrial Relations

Employment Industrial Relations

Order Description

You will study three enterprise agreements. Using one of those agreements as a reference point:

a) Identify significant differences between that agreement from the two other agreements reviewed in your (worksheet) – COMPLETED, PLEASE REFER TO WORKSHEET ATTACHED

b) Assess the degree to which the agreement differs from the relevant Modern Award (worksheet) – COMPLETED, PLEASE REFER TO WORKSHEET ATTACHED


c) Discuss the reasons for the differences you uncovered for (a) and (b) (600 words in essay-format). The reasons that enterprise agreements are different are mostly because of the nature of work (the ‘labour process’) in a particular industry. Differences may also reflect the differences in bargaining power between employers and employees in an industry.

The essay should be looking at the following:

• Is the agreement more generous than the award? Why? (this will comprise the last 3 lines of the assignment)
• Are these agreements reflecting a strategic approach to HRM, or reactive?
• If the EA is similar to the relevant MA, with only one or two differences, one could say the EA is ‘reactive’ rather than ‘strategic’.
• Discuss differences in Labour process; bargaining power. Unionised, competition, supply and demand, i.e. orchestra is knowledge based and has less competition for labor resulting in higher wages.
• For wage, use 1 modern award
• For complexity of structure/classification, use all modern awards