Employee Recruitment and Selection

: In simple terms explain what researchers must go through to select the right sample size for a study
July 11, 2020
Continuation of last observation paper
July 11, 2020

Employee Recruitment and Selection

1-2 paragraphs Dicsussion Board

You are sitting down with the president of the company to discuss the objectives for hiring an operations manager. It is important that you and the president be in agreement so that you can do a good job in the recruitment and selection process. Objectives need to reflect the values, ethics, and diversity practices of the company.

  • This position will impact everyone in the company. Once this discussion is settled, it needs to be shared with the rest of the senior management team during next week’s meeting.
  • Use the library, Internet, and other resources to research your response.
  • Click here to view an example of a job analysis form. -__________________________________________________________________________________

3-4 paragraphs

Unit3 – Individual Project

  • Research different types of prescreening tests, and construct a report for the president of the company.
  • Discuss the validity and reliability of each test.
  • Recommend which tests should be used in your company’s selection process.
  • Use the library, Internet, and other resources to research your response.

Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s):

  • Unit 3
    • Recruitment Strategies & Selection Tools
    • Recruitment and Retention Practices
    • Training and Development
    • Employee Evaluation