Emotion Regulation: Importance and Application

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Emotion Regulation: Importance and Application

Emotion Regulation: Importance and Application

            Individuals tend to experience moments in which their emotions control their actions or behavior. In such instances, people regret the things they do, as well as say, thus, wishing they had been able to keep their emotions in check. Techniques such as meditation tend to allow others to keep their emotions in check. Emotion regulation is vital for the improvement of our moods while increasing the essence of passion, as well as empathy. In this essay, the focus will be on evaluation of the emotion regulation, its importance, and application.

            Emotion regulation provides a platform for the examination and optimization of the adaptive value of emotions. Individuals have the obligation to regulation their emotions to avoid regretting their actions or behaviors. From this perspective, emotions tend to have enormous implications and potential to enable individuals to navigate diverse environments. For instance, when an individual visits a bar and sees his or her crush, he or she might express excitement to the possibility of talking to her or him that they end up consuming more drinks (Bonanno and Charles 593). The consequence of the action might be a hangover the following morning, thus, the potentiality of skipping work and getting into trouble. In such instances, it would have been appropriate for the individuals to down-regulate their emotions to avoid the consequences of their action.

            Emotions contribute to the determination of the human behavior. From this illustration, emotions prepare people to do things by sending chemical signals to the muscles, as well as organs of the body. Emotions can motivate troublesome or happy behaviors among society members. The human emotional system proves to be narrow, weak, and rigid. In most cases, people struggle to maintain interest, as well as enjoyment (Gross 359). On the other hand, certain individuals tend to demonstrate control on how we feel, thus, the potentiality of ‘pushing our buttons.’

            Emotion regulation is essential in improving the living conditions of individuals in the contemporary society. For instance, emotion regulation is valuable in the reduction of anger. Similarly, emotion regulation is critical in the prevention of resentment, thus, the realization of harmonious living. Emotion regulation is also crucial in enabling people to work effectively and efficiently in their workplaces. Additionally, emotion regulation enables individuals to act in their long-term best interests regardless of whatever other people do or say. Emotion regulation is valuable in the realization of emotional reconditioning.

            Conclusively, the essay focused on the evaluation of the emotion regulation, its importance, and application. Emotion regulation is a platform, which enables people to assess and examine their behaviors, which they might regret later because of reacting to their emotions. Integration of emotion regulation is valuable in the realization of happiness and elimination of anxiety among people.


Works Cited

Bonanno, George A., and Charles L. Burton. “Regulatory flexibility an individual differences      perspective on coping and emotion regulation.” Perspectives on Psychological Science 8.6 (2013): 591-612.

Gross, James J. “Emotion regulation: taking stock and moving forward.” Emotion 13.3     (2013): 359.