Effectiveness of Patient Navigation Program For Underserved Patients in Improving Diagnostic Resolution after Abnormal Cancer screening.

Operations Management: Process Designing
September 28, 2020
Training Needs Assessment, Part 2
September 28, 2020

Effectiveness of Patient Navigation Program For Underserved Patients in Improving Diagnostic Resolution after Abnormal Cancer screening.

Effectiveness of Patient Navigation Program For Underserved Patients in Improving Diagnostic Resolution after Abnormal Cancer screening.

Project description
Required Texts:
Grove, S., Burns, N., Gray, J. (2013). The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal,
Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (7th Ed) . Philadelphia: Elsevier ISBN:978-1-4557-0736-2 (pbk.)
Melnyk, B & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence based practice in nursing andhealthcare. (2nd Ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins.

1. The EBP Project Paper consists of Chapters I and II. Maximum number of pages is 10 excluding the title page and reference pages.
2.Chapter I consist of the Problem, Significance and Background. Formulate your burning clinical questions and state it in PICOT format. Read the chapter in Melnyk and Burns on Problem and PICOT statement. Find specific gaps in knowledge needed for practice to guide your choosing an appropriate and relevant problem. Your literature review will also help you with stating your PICOT question.
3.Chapter II is the Literature Review section.
a.Conduct a literature search and select at least 5-8 articles from Cochran Review, CINAHL or other databases of nursing research journals.
b.Make sure that these articles will support your PICO. In choosing the research articles, consider the strength of these articles based on the hierarchy of evidence in Melnyck.
c.Critically appraise each article using the critiquing guidelines and appraisal of evidence guidelines found in the course documents and your textbooks.
d.Use the pyramid of evidence or hierarchy of evidence to help you evaluate the strength of your evidence. The weaker the evidence is, the less support you get for your PICO.
4.Write your literature review in 5-8 pages using the APA format.
5.Summarize your literature review in a synthesis table and put it at end of your literature review.

1. The EBP Project Paper consists of Chapters I and II. Maximum number of pages is 10 excluding the title page and reference pages.
2.Chapter I consist of the Problem, Significance and Background. Formulate your burning clinical questions and state it in PICOT format. Read the chapter in Melnyk and Burns on Problem and PICOT statement. Find specific gaps in knowledge needed for practice to guide your choosing an appropriate and relevant problem. Your literature review will also help you with stating your PICOT question.
3.Chapter II is the Literature Review section.
a.Conduct a literature search and select at least 5-8 articles from Cochran Review, CINAHL or other databases of nursing research journals.
b.Make sure that these articles will support your PICO. In choosing the research articles, consider the strength of these articles based on the hierarchy of evidence in Melnyck.
c.Critically appraise each article using the critiquing guidelines and appraisal of evidence guidelines found in the course documents and your textbooks.
d.Use the pyramid of evidence or hierarchy of evidence to help you evaluate the strength of your evidence. The weaker the evidence is, the less support you get for your PICO.
4.Write your literature review in 5-8 pages using the APA format.
5.Summarize your literature review in a synthesis table and put it at end of your literature review.

1. The EBP Project Paper consists of Chapters I and II. Maximum number of pages is 10 excluding the title page and reference pages.
2.Chapter I consist of the Problem, Significance and Background. Formulate your burning clinical questions and state it in PICOT format. Read the chapter in Melnyk and Burns on Problem and PICOT statement. Find specific gaps in knowledge needed for practice to guide your choosing an appropriate and relevant problem. Your literature review will also help you with stating your PICOT question.
3.Chapter II is the Literature Review section.
a.Conduct a literature search and select at least 5-8 articles from Cochran Review, CINAHL or other databases of nursing research journals.
b.Make sure that these articles will support your PICO. In choosing the research articles, consider the strength of these articles based on the hierarchy of evidence in Melnyck.
c.Critically appraise each article using the critiquing guidelines and appraisal of evidence guidelines found in the course documents and your textbooks.
d.Use the pyramid of evidence or hierarchy of evidence to help you evaluate the strength of your evidence. The weaker the evidence is, the less support you get for your PICO.
4.Write your literature review in 5-8 pages using the APA format.
5.Summarize your literature review in a synthesis table and put it at end of your literature review.

1. Prepare a 15 minute professional PowerPoint presentation of your evidence based project paper.
The following components must be included:
b.Background of the Problem
c.Significance of the Problem
d.PICOT and Problem Statement
e.Appraisal of Evidence
i.Critical analysis of Evidence See guidelines
f.Summary of Evidence

2.Evidence Based Practice Recommendation: Based on your evidence, make your recommendation for change of practice.



Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare. A guide to best practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Markossian, T., Darnell, J., & Calhoun, E. (2012). Follow-up and timeliness after an abnormal cancer screening among underserved, urban women in a patient navigation program. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23045544

Hoffman, H., LaVerda, N., Young, H., Levine,P., Alexander, L., Bream, R., Caicedo, L., Eng-Wong, J., Fredrick, W., Funderburk, W., Huerta, E., Swain, S., & Patierno, S. Patient navigation significantly reduces delays in breast cancer diagnosis in the district of Columbia. Retrieved from http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=23045540

Battaglia, T.,Bak, S., Hereen, T., Chen, C., Kalish, R., Tringale, S., Taylor, J., Lottero, B., Thakrar, N., & Freund, K. (2012). Boston patient navigation research program: The impact of navigation time to diagnostic resolution after abnormal cancer screening. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23045539

Lee, J., Fulp, W., Wells, K., Meade, C., Calcano, E., & Roetzheim, R. (2013). Patient navigation and time to diagnostic resolution: Results for a cluster randomized trail evaluating the efficacy of patient navigation among patients with breast cancer screening abnormalities, Tampa, FL. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3774725/

Raich, P., Whitley, E., Thorland, W., Valverde, P., & Fairclough, D. (2012). Patient navigation improves cancer diagnostic resolution: An individually randomized clinical trial in an underserved population. Retrieved from http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/21/10/1629.long

Dudley, D., Drake, J., Quinlan, J., Holden, A., Karnad, A., & Ramirez, A. (2012). Beneficial effects of a combined navigator/promotora approach for Hispanic women diagnosed with breast abnormalities. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3469583/

Gilbert, G., Lankshear, S., Hughes, E., Burkoski, V., & Sawka, C. (2011). Nurses as patient navigators in cancer diagnosis: review, consultation and model design. European Journal of Cancer Care 20, 228-236. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2010.01231.x

Harold P. Freeman Patient Navigation Institute. (2013). Patient navigation institute. Retrieved from http://www.hpfreemanpni.org/about-us/

Freeman, H. P. (2013). The History, Principles, and Future of Patient Navigation: Commentary. Seminars In Oncology Nursing, 29(2), 72-75. doi:10.1016/j.soncn.2013.02.002

Evidence Based Practice Paper

PICOT question I choose, “In underserved adult patients who have abnormal cancer screening, how effective would be a Patient Navigator Program (PNP), as compared to traditional cancer care, in improving Diagnostic Resolution in six months to twelve months?”.


