This unit is dedicated to the following identifying the fundamentals of telling a story to engage the listener. This is as much art as it is science, and the practice of storytelling is at least as old as the Bible itself.
Upon completion of this unit you should be able to:
1. Analyze the components of effective storytelling from a contemporary master storyteller.
2. Examine those characteristics that detract from storytelling.
3. Identify the fundamentals of telling a story to engage the listener.
4. Model the creation of a sermon with a focus on storytelling.
? Textbook: The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching
? Media Clip: A Prairie Home Companion: The News from Lake Wobegon, February 14, 2009 by Garrison Keillor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzF2Jw2jZd8
In our course text the authors go to some length to introduce the reader to the various aspects of stories and illustrations. This assignment aligns with the course in that storytelling and illustration are necessary components of effective biblical communication.
Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to:
? Identify the fundamentals of telling a story to engage the listener.
? Textbook: The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching
? Media Clip: A Prairie Home Companion: The News from Lake Wobegon, February 14, 2009 by Garrison Keillor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzF2Jw2jZd8
In the section of the course text you are asked to read for this assignment, the text writers highlight the following regarding storytelling and illustrations:
• How to tell a moving story
• Bringing Bible stories to life
• Suspense
• Tension
• Illustrating from culture
• Illustrating with integrity and sensitivity
• Avoiding self-centeredness in illustration
Garrison Keillor has been a part of public radio since as far back as 1974. His Public Radio show A Prairie Home Companion has an audience numbering in the millions. Of particular interest to story tellers is his standing segment during each radio show where he highlights the goings on of his fictional hometown, Lake Wobegon. Keillor excels in that he knows the idiosyncrasies of small town America, and is a master at relating those in an engaging and humorous way.
Please note – the selection of this brief media clip for you to watch is in no way an endorsement of Keillor’s lifestyle, values, word selection or political positions. You are directed to watch this only as an example of one who knows how to tell a story.
1. Read the textbook, chapters 130-145.
2. View the storytelling Media Clip: A Prairie Home Companion: The News from Lake Wobegon, February 14, 2009 by Garrison Keillor
3. Feel free to consult any other scholarly sources regarding storytelling and illustration.
There is no doubt that Jesus was the Master storyteller. The Gospel writers have left for us a record of His words and delivery so that we may learn and follow His example in communicating the Gospel.
In addition, we can learn from contemporary master storytellers. The Appalachian, African American, and radio cultures contain several examples of those who, through no other medium than words, convey powerful messages to their audience. This discussion aligns with the course in that order, to effectively convey the Gospel. One must learn to master the art of storytelling, to do that we start at the feet of a master.
Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to:
? Analyze the components of effective storytelling from a contemporary master storyteller.
? Media Clip: A Prairie Home Companion: The News from Lake Wobegon, February 14, 2009 by Garrison Keillor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzF2Jw2jZd8
Garrison Keillor has been a part of public radio since as far back as 1974. His Public Radio show A Prairie Home Companion has an audience numbering in the millions. Of particular interest to storytellers is his standing segment during each radio show where he highlights the goings on his fictional hometown, Lake Wobegon. Keillor excels in that he knows the idiosyncrasies of small town America, and is a master at relating those in an engaging and humorous way.
Please note – the selection of this brief media clip for you to watch is in no way an endorsement of Keillor’s lifestyle, values, word selection or political positions. You are directed to watch this only as an example of one who knows how to tell a story.
1. Review the Keillor YouTube media clip – A Prairie Home Companion: The News from Lake Wobegon, February 14, 2009 by Garrison Keillor
2. For your assignment, comment substantively on the following questions: Type the questions and the answers.
a. What do you note about his appearance or physical mannerisms as he tells his story?
b. What does he do to hold your attention?
c. What role does humor play in his storytelling?
d. In what ways, in what he is saying relate to his listeners?
e. So far as you can tell, how does his audience react to his storytelling?
f. How do you react to his storytelling?
g. What can you learn about what to do by watching this media clip?
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Posted on May 9, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions