Effective outsourcing allows organisations to focus on their core business.

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October 13, 2020
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October 13, 2020

Effective outsourcing allows organisations to focus on their core business.

Topic: Effective outsourcing allows organisations to focus on their core business.

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.K.)

Using the McIvor article as a base, present your research report by addressing the following:
? Describe the THREE (3) dimensions to consider when discussing outsourcing decisions.
? For the third dimension (potential for opportunism), identify and discuss the THREE (3) considerations available to organisations about outsourcing.
? Describe the THREE (3) approaches that organisations consider for outsourcing, when adopting a relationship strategy.
? An organisation wants to build relationships for the future with their outsourcing suppliers and work with them on future projects. Recommend the best relationship strategy and justify your preferred choice.

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