For any viable progress to be realized in an organizationboth the leadership and management skills ought to be upheld. The two aspects go hand -in-hand in order to realize the full potential of an organization. However, slight differences exist between the two. For instance, the manager is obliged to offer administration practices while leaders facilitate innovations.Leadership and management skills are vital components in the realization of an organizational goals and objectives. For the ultimate goal of any organization to be realized, the top management team ought to abide by their leadership and management skills.
The paper will explore and evaluate the various types of leadership and management in relation to the education system in the United Kingdom. Further on, the essay will examine various case studiesin which effective management and leadership have been achieved. The best strategies to motivate staff in such settings will be examined too. The essay will expound on the multi-agency work in UK especially in the primary school set up.Additionally, the constituents of the multi-agency work will be lengthily discussed in the paper too. The different types of multi-agency work in the education sector will be explored too. The paper will further examine the best and most effective strategies that should be kept in place in order to facilitate the processes of leading and management in a multi-agency environment.The relationship between the good and bad practices through diverse case studies of multi-agency work will be optimally discussed.
Effective Leadership and Management Skills
Effective leadership and management skills are core components in any prospective and outstanding organization. The ability of the leaders and managers of organizations to embrace uprightness inn their leadership and management endeavours is one of the sole causes of better performance. Upholding such attributes will not only encourage the staff but also the entire fraternity and stakeholders of the organization. The adoption of excellent leadership skills will prompt higher and outstanding performances by the parties involved. Visionary leadership is one of the major skills that can be used by management in order to realize the anticipated goals and objectives of organizations. In such a context, the leader of the team is able to articulate all the stakeholders towards a certain direction for the purposes of achieving the previously determined goal or set of goals. To realize this endeavour, an innovative character of the leader is paramount. The ability to embrace and uphold coaching among the members of an organization is the second attribute of any forward-looking leader. Coaching plays a vital role in articulating the individual goals with those of the organization in order to bring about higher performance rates. Coaching requires some extra care since it may lower the self-confidence of the staff and other members the fraternity. Affiliation is another leadership style that is fundamentally geared towards creating teamwork in an outstanding organization. The use of the affiliation style will further increase the levels of harmony and togetherness within the organization. The ability to uphold teamwork and harmony within the group will subsequently boost the morale of the involved parties hence higher levels of performance. Upholding the democratic principles of an organization is the fourth leadership style that out to be emphasized in order to achieve the impending goals and targets of an organization. The aspect of democracy is centre-staged on the individual knowledge and skills and his ability to execute his duties effectively. Pacesetting is the fifth leadership style that can be adopted in order to realize higher performance levels in organizations. The leader in this context is obsessed with higher performance rates hence he sets high standards to facilitate higher achievement. The leadership management style that is adopted is dependent on the specific challenges that the organization is experiencing.
The education set-up is one of the significant scenarios whereby the aspects of effective leadership and management have been used to realize higher performance by the students. The ability of school leaders and managers to embrace the aspects of affiliation, pacesetting, visionary and coaching is fundamental in realizing the school’s targets, visions and missions. In the United Kingdom’s education sector, the adoption of various leadership and management styles and skills has led to increased levels of performance in schools. In the school set up, the emergence of outstanding performance and leadership are embedded on the ability of the team leaders to embrace the various styles of management and leadership. There exist various school leaders and managers in the UK whose outstanding performance is linked to the various leadership and management skills. Various education research reports have pinpointed such case studies and hence the reasons for such performances are highlighted. In UK, the regular release of the most outstanding schools has been instrumental in facilitating the need for outstanding leadership and management. For instance, in the 2009, a release by her majesty the inspector depicted top twenty outstanding schools in the country. The report suggested that the outstanding performance thus achieved was based on efficient leadership and management skills. The schools included Banks Road Primary School in Liverpool, Cubitttown junior School in tower Hamlets and Michael faradayschool in Southwark among others. The various reports bynational college of school leadership (NCSL) have depicted several case studies in which the attributes of outstanding leadership has brought forth unimagined levels of performance. For instance, the annual inspection reports of 2007/2008 depict various case studies. The case studies include Malvin’s close first school (4-9), Gable hall school mixed secondary school in Thurrock and Lent Rise combined primary school. The outstanding performances of these schools are based on the availability of excellent leadership and management skills of the head teachers, middle managers and deputy headteachers.
The staff members in these institutions were highly motivated by the school heads hence higher morale and subsequently outstanding performances. The report ascertains that the motivation of the staff members came from the increased levels of encouragement, trust and valuing by the head teachers and other management teams in the institution. The leaders were instrumental in upholding the strategies of modelling, providing opportunities, promoting professional development, motivating, team building and innovation in order to realize higher performance. Upholding efficient communication skills, enthusiasm, quality control and better decision-making signifies better strategies for outstanding performance.
Analysis of Leadership in Multi-agency work
Embracing leadership and management practices helps to propel an organization forward thereby maintaining an edge with the existing and prospective competitors. The organization therefore enjoys the full competitive advantage with regard to its competitors and in its operational undertakings. The leadership style that is adopted by an organization is determined by various factors. For instance, the requirements of the situation and the demands of the subjects involved. Additionally, the setbacks that an organization faces will also determine the leadership style to be adopted. Leadership styles and attributes such as coaching, visionary, pacesetting and democratic are ultimately vital in the realization of the organizational goals. The type of management of the organization is vital too.Leadership and management in Multi-agency work in the United Kingdom is vital in all aspects of its existence. For instance, there exist various types of multi-agency works in the UK’s education sector that are entitled to various roles and operations. Therefore, effective and efficient strategies ought to be undertaken in order to realize the full potential in the multi-agency environment. The leadership and management of multi-agency work in UKis instrumental in the performance of the sectors involved. For instance, the contributions of effective multi-agency work in schools have been enormous over the last few years. The existence of multi-agency work in primary schools is one of the key contributors of their outstanding performances. The contributions of multi-agency work in the public service in Europe are paramount. Therefore, the education sector being one of the major constituents of the public service will be highly influenced by the management and leadership of partnership working. The leadership and management of multi-agency work has profound effects the development of the respective sectors of public service (Henry & Fee 2010). Multi-agency working in primary schools in in the United Kingdom has been paramount in facilitating the process of acquiring basic necessities and favourable learning conditions by the children. Partnerships between primary schools and various agencies have enabled the smooth learning by the children. The agencies have significant effects on the well-being of the children by influencing some of the key aspects of their lives. The agencies are instrumental in the provision of better medical services, communication facilities, psychological support, physiotherapy among others. Additionally, there exist other types of multi-agency work in the education settings. For instance the provision of child and adolescent mental health services, speech and language therapies are all geared towards improving the welfare of the children. The provision of child and adolescent mental health services helps the pupils to overcome adolescent related behaviours such as immorality and early sexual orientation. The provision of speech and language therapy ensures that the children are able to articulate their language with that of others and with relation to the school curriculum. The aspect is crucial in the provision of programmes that offer support to pupils with language needs. The provision of the language therapy is initiated the therapist.The existence of programmes for psychologicalsupport to pupils isessential in providing them with psychological support on family and academic matters. The programme is also essential in ensuring peaceful co-existence of the pupils in the institution.
The existence of Common AssessmentFramework (CAF) and Team Aroundthe Children (TAC) as aspects of multi-agency working is an essential in upholding the support to children and their families. The common assessment framework was established under the principles of simplicity, professional empowerment, and holistic child focus. On the other hand, the team around the child process provides a viable platform for specialists to work with children who may require help. The children with disabilities and other bodily disadvantages are wholly incorporated in the TAC process.The process ensures that the children needs, welfare and rights are given the first priority. The guidelines and procedures for effective Common Assessment Framework and Team Around the Child are highly valued to ensure that the welfare of the child is upheld and due support is accorded when necessary.
Efficient and effective leadership and management of multi-agency work will prompt better and optimal performance. Therefore, upholding the leadership and management aspects of any partnering agency will ensure that the ultimate goal of the programme is achieved. Additionally, the provision of a sound relationship between the agency and the specific sector of the public service is important too. Collaboration between the primary school leaders and the agency management team will ensure the provision of better services to the children and their families. For instance, the provision of psychological counselling to pupils ensures a healthy living both at school and at home. Such results can only be achieved if the agency concerned and the institution’s management are at par in carrying out the process. Additionally, if the goals and objectives of the school leaders and those of the agency or programcoincide,then the provision of services will be initiated and the welfare of the children will be upheld.
The existence of the partner agencies in various primaryschools in the UK is associated with various bad or good practices. For instance, the sensory support service programme that is provided to pupils in Tubbenden primary school is a good and upright gesture in providing essential and relevant support to pupils with visual and hearing impairment. The provision of such sensory services has great significance to the pupil, the institution and his family. The three groups will thus benefit from the normal hearing and visual characteristics of the pupil. The lack of acknowledgement when working with the partner agency in an institution leads to the evolution of bad practices and ultimately the failure to achieve the anticipated goal of the collaboration.Bad practices limit the efficiency of various public service institutions in the country by lowering the levels of public support. Additionally, bad practices leads to inefficiency in the operations and aims of the institution and hence the siphoning of the public funds through misuse.
The leadership and management skills must be upheld to ensure optimal performance from various institutions. Outstanding performance by schools is attributed to excellent management and leadership skills such as motivation, democracy, affiliation, pacesetting andcoaching. Staff motivation in respective institutions is vital in realizing higher performance levels. The partnership between primary schools and agencies ought to be upheld in order to ensure the smooth learning of pupils. The provision of different programmes such as counselling, sensory services, language services and adolescent mental health programmes helps to uphold the welfare and wellbeing of the pupils. By observing the procedures and guidelines for Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and Team Around the Children (TAC), the welfare of the children in primary schools will be upheld too.
Works Cited
Henry, J., & Fee, J. (2010). Multi?agency working in the early years: challenges and opportunities. European Journal of Teacher Education, 33(3), 326-329.