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September 28, 2020

Effective Human Relations

Term Paper Guidelines Communication 56

Textbook: Effective Human Relations

You will investigate a communication topic of your choosing and write a 5 page term paper. You will want to investigate a topic with a clear, sharp focus that can be treated in an informative way in this short paper.

For example, you would not propose to write a paper on communication in general. There are whole books devoted to the subject. But you could propose to investigate a particular form of communication, or companies or communication leaders. Look through your textbook for topic ideas. I also encourage you to consult with me and we can discuss your paper topic. Pick a topic you have passion about and the results of this paper you can use in your life moving forward.

Term Paper Proposal

The reason for your proposal is to assist you in developing an outline and overview of your paper. This will greatly assist you in completing the term paper. This must be computer printed, double spaced, and contain the following:

1. Term Paper Title and Question: State the term paper question you are investigating. Think
carefully about this question as it defines the paper you will be writing.

Example: What strategies do companies use improve communication channels with employees? A question like this would lead you to investigate current communication issues within organizations, leading theories to improve communication with employees, examples of organizations doing it well and your analysis on what you would do if you were tasked to improve employee communication.

2. Abstract: Write a one-paragraph summary of the topic and how you will investigate it in your paper.

3. Outline: Prepare an outline of the paper, listing the major subheadings.

4. Bibliography: Provide a list of a minimum of seven appropriate references from books, professional journals and/or websites. Use the APA bibliographic style.

Writing the Term Paper

Paper must abide by the following guidelines:

1. Attach a title page with your name, date, and the paper title.

2. Text of 5 pages. Be sure and use appropriate subheadings.

3. Attach a reference list (titled, References) at the end of the paper. This should contain
only sources cited in the body of the paper.

4. Number pages, beginning at the first page of the text, not beginning with the title page.

4. Computer print, double space, use one-inch margins, 12 point font.

6. Use the APA style format for in-text citations and the list of references. Do not make up your own reference system. Your paper must be properly cited and referenced. That includes any internet sources you may use. The following website does a great job of describing what the APA style looks like for different sources you may use.


Carefully edit the term paper proposal and the term paper before turning it in. Check for grammatical errors, misspellings, sentence structure, proper citation and referencing format, etc. A great website to assist in finding the right word and ensuring accuracy is http://www.visuwords.com.