Hughes, C.J., & Rog, E. (2008). Talent management: a strategy for improving recruitment, retention and engagement within employee organizations. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(7): 743-757
This case study considers the UKRD group and the various strategies the company uses to employees’ talents. The UKRD Group is a leading company in the United Kingdom. It provides services in the telecommunications sector. The company claims ownership to seventeen radio stations. It also engages in the business of software licensing. In the year 2012 and also 2013, the company was ranked as the best to work for by the Sunday Times. For a company to excel in such magnitude, it is agreeable that its management might be an effective one. Talent is very vital in a telecommunications company. However, without good management, the potential in people may not be utilized to the maximum.The current research purposes to explore the efficiency with which management of talent is exercised or applied in the UKRD Group.
Organization:UKRD Group-UK
Research question: Does the UKRD Group apply talent management systems effectively?
Burbach, R., & Royle, T. (2010). Talent on demand? Talent management in the German and Irish subsidiaries of a US multinational corporation. Personal Review, 39(4): 414-431
This article by Burbach and Royle considers talent management in the case of a multinational organization. Their research focuses on talent management that is linked with the advancement of technology. The authors explore how effective information systems may be applied to aid in talent management. The article addresses an academic audience, and it is highly professional. The background of the authors, that is communication-sector based, places them at a very good position to handle the topic. In this article, they have argued factually and provided sources for the facts. Their language is very objective. Also, in line with credibility, the article has referenced more than seventy articles dealing with a similar topic. The article is objective concerning the subject it addresses. It shows some bias towards multinational corporations. It is very rich in resources concerning management of talent in a modern perspective.
Chuai, X., Preece, D., & Iles, P. (2008). Is talent management just “old wine in new bottles”? The case of multinational companies in Beijing. Management Research News, 31(12): 901-911
This article considers talent management as it was in the past with the needs at the present. It also (Just like the others am intending to use) takes a multinational case and deliberates on the struggles the managers of talents are experiencing. It has referenced many other researches promoting its credibility. The authors have argued objectively and have employed professional diction. They address an academic audience. They have combined booth secondary and primary sources. The authors are professors of business in renowned universities; therefore, I don’t have issues with them. The article also rates highly because the authors have not used generalizations to present facts. The article will help me appreciate the challenge of talent management in a multinational company.
Gannon, M.J, & Maher, A. (2011). Developing tomorrow’s talent: the case of an undergraduate mentoring programme. Education and Training, 54(6): 440-455
This is a rich article on the importance of identifying talent and nurturing it. It focuses on linking students to the people already in the practice for talent mentorship and management. This systemic approach helps in preparing graduands to come out of school while armed with the skills of how to gain maximum potential from their talents. The source is very timely; it is only three years old. The article is objective and facts are presented with references from both primary and secondary sources. They have addressed an academic audience though laymen can also benefit from it. It will help me in relating such an approach with the case of UKRD Group. This will involve tracing the employees who came out of school while prepared for talent growth. Their experiences will then be compared those who discovered this while already at work.
Frerichs, F., Lindley, R., Alecsandrowicz, P., Baldauf, B., & Galloway, S. (2012). Active ageing in organizations: a case study approach. International Journal of Manpower, 33(6): 666-684
This article emphasizes the importance of talent management in the employability and also the retention of workers in an organization. Most of the authors that participated in this study have a background in research, placing them at the best position to do this research. The article thus, has comprehensively explained the importance of an old talent in a firm. This benefit, according to the authors, can be realized only after effective management of talents. It has referenced many articles, both primary and secondary, giving it the tick of credibility. The article has used academic language, thus it addresses an academic audience. The authors have presented the facts professionally giving references for the sources. The language is very objective, and the article is very recent. It is only two years old, thus addresses modern developments in the subject. It will assist in understanding how ageing employees are beneficial to a company.