Effect of mobile technology on entertainment

Lab Reporting Form.
September 8, 2020
Democracy in America
September 8, 2020

Effect of mobile technology on entertainment

Effect of mobile technology on entertainment

The research will investigate the use of mobile technology and its contribution to the entertainment industry and answer the following questions. What are the effects of mobile technology on the modern day entertainment? Are there any negative impacts of the mobile phone form of entertainment to the users?. Which age group is the main user of the mobile phones in entertainment? How does the mobile phone entertainment rate with the other forms such as television and radios? The research will try to answer the questions through the use of questionnaires designed for both the young and the old generation and find the comparisons. The aim is to find out which group of individuals use mobile phones as a form of entertainment rather that communication. The research should also find out the negative and the positive effects of mobile entertainment and whether it affects peoples’ cultural values.

The mobile technology and socialization in the social media, music, radios, videos, and camera. People can listen to their favourite videos and music via their mobile phones and capture their favourite pictures and events toDuring events such as weddings and parties people mostly use their mobile cameras to capture memorable moments for their use during leisure time. Entertainment is a form of relaxation and an important activity for people of all ages. The main advantage of using the mobile phone for entertainment over the other media is that the gadget is portable, and one can listen to the music or other entertainment anytime and place.

To come up with the best findings, the researcher will use qualitative research method for data collection by employing the use of personal interviews. The interview questions will be open-ended to enable the respondent give an explanation where necessary. The questions will also help the researcher to get the respondents’ feelings and a variety of responses. To get the age group that mostly use the mobile phones for entertainment the researcher will use a short questionnaire with spaces for the age of the respondent, the preferred entertainment media between radio, television, mobile phone, and any other. The researcher will also use secondary sources of data such as library books, journals, magazines, and the internet to get information about the mobile phone use in the entertainment industry. The researcher will then analyse the collected data by the use of content analysis to see the respondents’ views on the research questions. Data from literature sources will also be analysed by content analysis and findings in the form of percentages in a tabular form and pie charts. The researcher will compile the questionnaire responses to come up with concrete results on the group with the highest mobile phone usage for entertainment.



Annotated Bibliography

Chatterjee, J. (2014). A Sociological Outlook of Mobile Phone Use in Society

International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS), (1) 6, 58. Available online at http://www.ijims.com ISSN:2348–0343.

The source analyses the use of the mobile phones in the society by different groups such as communication, banking, and entertainment. According to the author of the journal, mobile phones can also be used for entertainment purposes in Facebook, Twitter, radios, TVs, and many other social sites.

Ratcliff, D. (n.d). Methods of Data Analysis in Qualitative Research.https://connect.ssri.duke.edu/sites/connect.ssri.duke.edu/files/upload/help-resource/Ratcliff.15%20methods%20of%20qualitative%20data%20analysis.pdf

The author analyses various methods of analysing qualitative data for researchers and scholars to come up with good presentations. Qualitative data does not involve practical approaches and the author dwells with data from sources such as literature materials rather than experiments. The site will help the researcher to analyse the data sourced from various mobile users as an entertainment gadget.

Juwaheer, D., Pudaruth, S., Vencatachellum, I., Ramasawmy, D., Ponnusami, D. (2013). Factors influencing the selection of mobile phones among young customers in MauritiusInternational Journal of Advanced Research, (1) 4, 326-339. Journal homepage:http://www.journalijar.com

The source analyses the factors that people consider when selecting the type of the mobile phones depending on the functionality and the use in the young generation. There are many factors to consider when selecting a mobile phone such as class, the amount of money one has, and the purpose. The young people go for mobile phones that offer much functionality such as entertainment. Some phones have features that allow the youth to enjoy their leisure time such as games, internet connection, radio, television and many others.

Lenhart, A., Ling, R. Campbell, A., Purcell, K. (2010). Teens and Mobile Phones Text messaging explode as teens embrace it as the centerpiece of their communications strategies with friends.

The source deals with the use of the mobile phones by teenagers in various ways such as text messaging as a form of communication and entertainment. Chats messages are oung generation and the author analysis the use of text messages by the youths especially during leisure time. The messaging service has become very common among the teens as they keep on texting one another any time they are free.

Onwuegbuzie. J. & Combs, P. (2011). Data Analysis in Mixed Research: A Primer.International Journal of Education ISSN 1948-5476 2011, Vol. 3, No. 1: E13

The author deals with the methods of data analysis involving both qualitative and quantitative data in research. According to the author, it is sometimes difficult for researchers to have one kind of research such as qualitative or quantitative. The source is very useful for the mixed data analysis by the researchers and data analysts.