Aristotle And Relationships at Work Write a paper on Aristotle And Relationships at Work It should: (1) present Aristotle’s ideas on civic relat
May 13, 2020
activity diagram
May 13, 2020

Effect Management

Effect Management
Using research on an organization of your choice, produce an eight page research paper discussing how this company either effectively or ineffectively uses the management techniques covered in this class. This paper IS NOT about the company you choose, rather it is about how the company you choose uses (effectively or ineffectively) the management techniques covered in this class. The points below give more detail about this assignment. Please make sure this is an American company, as I am from the US and have had this problem in the past. Please be sure there is no plagiarized work.
There should be eight pages of text. The actual paper will be longer once a cover page and references are added. Pictures or any tables/charts are fine but they will not count towards the page count.
Limit the description of the company to ½ page.
Include three scholarly references (i.e. references from or some other scholarly database).
Clearly identify the management techniques you will address in the paper (i.e. McClelland’s theory of needs) and explicitly state how the company you chose either uses this concept effectively or ineffectively.
If pointing out how a company uses a concept ineffectively, offer recommendations on how they can change their practices to be more effective.
APA format should be used.
Use 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, and one inch margins.