October 9, 2020
surprise ending
October 9, 2020

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology

Questions 1-3 have a minimum word count of 250 with one reference. APA format.Each question should include a word count in parentheses at the beginning of the answer not including citations.

Question 1:
Explore and report here on three applications of psychology within the classroom setting at the grade level you teach.
(applications: motivational, development, classroom management, and other social processes)

Question 2:
Which of the four types of research do you think is the most significant and why?
(experimental, single-subject, correlational, and observational)

Question 3:
What is the relationship between the ecological approach to teaching and reflective teaching?

Question 4:
In 500-750 words describe the characteristics of a teacher who had a significant impact on your learning. Include specific attributes. APA format with one reference.