Education For All Issues and Challenges
Education For All Issues and Challenges
Length: 2500 words
Complete either question One, Two or Three
1. AIDS/HIV is simply a moral and medical problem. With reference to EFA HIV/AIDS goals/discussion, discuss this claim in relation to the development of quality education in developing contexts.
2. Online activism is a futile exercise. Discuss this claim with reference to:
o The global online challenge to neo-liberialism,
o The global online challenge to neo-liberalism in education in general, and
o The global online challenge to the neo-liberal framing of EFA in particular.
3. EFA is potentially premised upon the homogenising logic’ of neo-liberalism and can be described as an example of McEducation. With reference to EFA policy, a number of its key initiative areas, and EFA in practise, discuss the grounds upon which the claim of McEducation might be made.