Economic Forecast Paper 7 pages Academic Essay

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Economic Forecast Paper 7 pages Academic Essay

You will write an economic forecast for one year from now for major global economy. Your forecast should include a history of the economy focusing on interest rates, price levels, unemployment rates, GDP growth rates, level of exports and imports, and other appropriate variables. You should also identify the current state of the economy with attention to the previous variables. Finally, you should offer three possible scenarios for the future state of the economy with attention to significant fiscal and monetary policies that will impact the future. Your paper should be 7-8 pages long, including a one-page bibliography containing your sources. You may also use graphs and charts, but you need to explain relevant information contained within your graphs and charts.

Here is a sample outline you could try to follow if you need more structure:
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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions