ESL Analytical Essay
June 24, 2020
Capital Co. has a capital structure, based on current market values, that consists of 25 percent debt, 2 percent preferred stock, and 73 percent commo
June 24, 2020

Economic Empowerment

On the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) web site, Please click on the “Gender Equality” tab, then open the “Economic Empowerment” tab and its subset of tabs and read the material.
The focus here for you is to see what the UNFPA IS DOING in terms of action on the issues that are presented.
On the United Nations Committee on the Status of Women’s website, (and then follow the tabs from there, or google them and it will take you straight to them) Please click on the “Follow up to Beijing” tab. Open the tabs under “The Beijing process and beyond” and, especially, the “Gender Mainstreaming” tab.
Finally, please look at the Human Rights Watch website and scroll down to the “20 Years on Women’s Rights” tab. There you will see amazing examples of what is being done around the globe.

after reading these materials,
please answer
Questions: What are your thoughts on the status of women in the world after the readings you have done?
Is there one area of concern from the Beijing Platform that speaks to you in particular? Why?
(please focus on the readings and answer these two questions about the readings! ppt is not important this time, just to give you some directions, thank you) (Chinese women)