Personal Reflection 5
March 12, 2020
Interest Groups
March 12, 2020

ecommerce platforms

ecommerce platforms

Prepare a report describing how organisations build innovative and creative features in ecommerce platforms. Illustrate your discussions with at least two examples, which can be found case studies, organisations you know personally, or a mixture of the two. This would enable you to recommend methods and approaches to build, add or edit new features for customers that could potentially increase revenues for sites.

The module learning outcomes assessed for this assignment are:

1. Identify appropriate e-commerce solutions with rich features to achieve business objectives
2. The contribution of e-commerce rich features for the whole business cycle
3. The role of chosen e-commerce platforms to achieve greater sales online

Below are the following: a) details of the task you are asked to complete, and b) guidance on what you are asked to submit.


• You are required to first and foremost understand the nature of the case studies you have selected
• The selected case studies can either be around your current workplace, past or your future career
• Identify current ecommerce features and their success
• Identify time needed to add, build and support these features
• Present a time-plan andthe resources required to embed these features on an ecommerce site
• Compare and contrast past and current features for greater conversion rates
• This should lead you to create an overall summary of the financial rewards that the business is gaining for investing in improving ecommerce features

You are required to submit a written report of 2000 words (+/- 10% – not including reference list and appendices). You might use the headings shown in this briefing or you may use your own headings; what is important is that you clearly cover all areas outlined below in a way that can be marked. You can be as creative as you like in using visuals, graphs and charts to present your data and analysis.





The report should include the following sections:

SECTION 1 – TITLE PAGE: This should include the following: your name, ID, course details, Module Title, Module Code, The Module leaders name, deadline date and word count
CONTENTS PAGE: your report should contain page numbers and you should include these in a clear contents page. Therefore, the structure of the report needs to look professional. (10 Marks)

INTRODUCTION – Provide a brief paragraph outlining what your assignment will cover and how you decided what to cover. (nb as normal, the report should be written in the third person).

SECTION 2 – Main Findings:describe how organisations build innovative and creative features in ecommerce sites. Your two selected case studies will help you to Illustrate this important element. (30 marks available)

You are expected to use credible and up to date reference sources about e-commerce industry. (15 marks available)

SECTION 3 – Analysis and Conclusions – clear and well-defined summaries that are supported with discussions and justifications on effective approaches to add, edit or design new features including call to actions to achieve greater conversion rates in an e-commerce environment. (40 marks available)

SECTION 4 – References and bibliography – You must reference all sources using the ASU Harvard Referencing Guide. You should aim for at least five credible reference sources but preferably more. (5 Marks available)

SECTION 5 – Appendices – they are not included in the overall word count but only short summaries or screenshots of the reports you have used should be included (Check marking criteria matrix in Appendix 1).

Submission Requirements

1. You will be required to submit a copy of your full assignment to the correct assignment tab on the Module StudyNet site. You must submit this in PDF format only! You must name your document as follows:

SURNAME in uppercase + first name in lowercase + student ID + ASG 1
E.g. SMITH_John_09123456_ASG1.pdf

Failure to follow the above instructions will result in a penalty of up to 5% from your report mark.

2. Standard Business School penalties for late submissions will apply. I.e. -10% for each day late. Submissions over seven days late will not be marked.

3. If you exceed the word count then you will be penalised. Only the first 2200 words will be read and marked.

4. If you require an extension to this assignment deadline, you must apply to the Module Leader, HajrëHyseni, via email at least one week before the assignment is due to submission. You must provide a valid reason for requesting an extension and be prepared to submit evidence if required to support your request. You should not assume that you have been granted an extension unless you receive an email confirming that this is the case and advising you of a revised submission date. All the penalties listed above are still applicable to any revised submission date.