Early and Renaissance Period Art

April 2, 2020
multinational corporation
April 2, 2020

Early and Renaissance Period Art

For this essay, you are to choose two pieces of art and/or architecture from the list below, one from the classical and one from the Renaissance period, which demonstrate the classical artistic influences during the Renaissance. In your analysis, focus on the formal and metaphorical aspects of each piece and how they relate to the humanistic and classical emphasis of the time. Make sure you clearly demonstrate your understanding of humanism and how classical thoughts were revived in the Renaissance period, through the art works you analyze. You also need to perform a brief visual analysis of both pieces in order to properly compare and contrast them visually and symbolically.
This is to be a research essay, so the expectation is that you will include information from
outside sources to support your argument. For sources, you are to use the text book, lectures,discussions, books, and academic articles?no web sites or non-credible sources (e.g.Wikipedia, blogs, etc.). In order to find credible academic articles, you will need to use the library?s website (www.library.arizona.edu). JSTOR, under ?Articles and Databases,?will be the most helpful for this assignment. You will not be required to use primary sources; secondary and tertiary sources in the form of academic articles are all that is expected. You must use at least three sources for your paper. One of those sources must be ?Art Through The Ages? by Fred S. Kleiner
List of images you may use (Choose one from the Renaissance and one from the Classical
Classical works:
1. Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer), ca. 450-440, Fig. 2-35
2. Alexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meander, Aphrodite (Venus de Milo), ca. 15-125 BCE,
Fig. 2-56
3. Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes, Laoco?n, first century CE, Fig. 2-59
4. Pantheon, 118-125CE, Figs. 3-38, 3-39, 3-40

Renaissance works:
1. Lorenzo Ghiberti, Sacrifice of Isaac, 1401-2, Fig. 8-15
2. Michelangelo Buonarroti, David, 1501?1504, Fig. 9-9
3. Sandro Botticelli, Primavera, ca. 1482, Fig. 8-1
4. Leon Battista Alberti, San?Andrea, designed 170, begun 1472, Figs. 8-38 and 8-439